A megasecond (symbol: Ms) is 1 million seconds, or roughly 11.6 days. There are roughly 31.6 megaseconds in a year. This page lists times between 1 and 1000 megaseconds (10 seconds and 10 seconds), or 11.6 days and 31.6 years. <1 year * 1.2096 Ms (14 days) - a fortnight * 2.3605915 Ms (27.3217 days) - sidereal month * 2.4192 Ms (28 days) - length of February in non-leap years * 2.5056 Ms (29 days)- length of February in a leap year * 2.55144 Ms (29.53059 days) - mean synodic month * 2.592 Ms (30 days) - length of the months April, June, September, and November * 2.629746 Ms (30.436875 days) - mean length of a Gregorian calendar month * 2.6784 Ms (31 days) - length of the months January, March, May, July, August, October, and December * 6.652 Ms (77 days) - length between the introduction and discontinuation of New Coke * 7.6 Ms (87 days 23.3 hours) - one orbit of Mercury * 7.776 Ms (90 days) - approximate length of a quarter year, a common corporate and financial reporting interval * 8.208 Ms (95 days) - length of Napoleon's attempt at regaining power, known as the Hundred Days * 8.64 Ms (100 days) - approximate length of the Rwandan genocide * 19.4141 Ms (224.701 days) — one orbit of Venus * 22.464 Ms (260 days) — length of the Tzolk'in, or Sacred Round, in the Mayan calendar * 24.192 Ms (280 days) — average length of a human pregnancy * 26.2656 Ms (304 days) — length of the year in the calendar of Romulus * 30.4992, 30.672 or 30.586 Ms (353, 354 or 355 days) — the lengths of regular years in some lunisolar calendars * 30.6173136 Ms (354.37 days) — 12 lunar months; the average length of a year in lunar calendars * 31.104 Ms (360 days) — one tun in the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar * 31.4159265... Ms (<math>\pi \cdot 10^7 s</math>) — The value of pi times 10 seconds is sometimes given as an approximate year value; it works out to 363.61026 days. * 31.536 Ms (365 days) — a regular year in many solar calendars. Also the fixed length of the year in the Ancient Egyptian calendar and the length of a Haab in the Mayan calendar. * 31.556925 Ms (365.24219 days) — a mean tropical year near the year 2000 * 31.556943 Ms (365.2424 days) — a vernal equinox year. * 31.556952 Ms(365.2425 days) — the average length of a year in the Gregorian calendar * 31.5576 Ms (365.25 days) — a Julian year, the average length of a year in the Julian calendar * 31.558153 Ms (365.2564 days) — a sidereal year >1 year Some times beyond this point are too approximate to give values in seconds * 31.6224 Ms (366 days) — a leap year in many solar calendars; 31.62 million seconds * 31.622777 Ms (10 s) — the square root of 10, times 10 million seconds 31,622,776.6 seconds 1.00208673 years 366.004359 days a leap year plus 6.27 minutes * 33.17 Ms (383.9 days) — 13 lunar months; leap year in some lunisolar calendars * 33.09, 33.18 or 33.26 Ms (383, 384 or 385 days) — the lengths of leap years in some lunisolar calendars * 59.3543 Ms (686.971 days) — one orbit of Mars * 63 Ms (729 days) — in Canada, the maximum prison sentence that can be served in a provincial correctional facility as opposed to a federal institution under the jurisdiction of the Correctional Service of Canada, otherwise known as "two years less a day" * 126.75 Ms (4 years) — full term of the President of the United States; (roughly) an Olympiad. * 130.4 Ms (4 years, 42 days) — duration of World War I * 138.35 Ms (4.37 years) — the length of time for light from Alpha Centauri to reach Earth * 145.8 Ms (4.6 years) — orbital period of Ceres * 158.44 Ms (5 years) — maximum length of a term in the British and Canadian Parliaments * 190.12 Ms (6 years) — full term of a senator in Australia and the United States. Duration of World War II * 221.82 Ms (7 years) — the interval between leap seconds on December 31, 1998, and December 31, 2005, the longest one * 316.88 Ms (10 years) — one decade * 350 Ms (11 years) — sunspot activity cycle (7.5 to 11 years) * 376.14 Ms (11.87 years) — one orbit of Jupiter * 380.257 Ms (12 years) — length of one cycle through the Chinese zodiac (Terrestrial branch) * 388.8 Ms (12.27 years) — duration of Nazi Germany * 411.9 Ms (13 years) — typical time to complete K-12 education in the United States. * 475.32 Ms (15 years) — age at which one is first eligible to receive a driver's license in New Zealand. * 507.01 Ms (16 years) — usual age at which one is first eligible to receive a driver's license in most states of the United States. * 570.4 Ms (18 years) - age at which (in Australia and the United States) one is legally permitted to vote, sign contracts, and to use tobacco products. * 571.34 Ms (18.03 years) — Saros cycle, the period of solar eclipses and lunar eclipses * 602.08 Ms (19.0002 years) — 235 months (1 Metonic cycle) * 624.667 Ms (19.713 years (7200 days)) — one katun in the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar * 665.45 Ms (21 years) — age at which one can consume alcoholic beverages in the United States. * 920 Ms (29 years) — recorded maximum lifespan of a dog * 933.468 Ms (29.458 years) — one orbit of Saturn * 957.963 Ms (30.231 years (11,042 days)) — duration of the World Trade Center (time from the completion of the second tower to the towers' destruction on September 11, 2001). * Longer Times