Mearns Primary School, located in Newton Mearns, East Renfrewshire, Scotland, is one of the largest primary schools in Scotland. It has very good facilities including a full length football pitch, two computing suites, a music suite, a drama room and an art room. There is a large PE hall with four changing rooms. There are also science facilities. The schoolday starts at 9:00am and finishes at 3:00pm, with an interval at 10:40am until 11:00am, and a lunch break from 12:35pm until 1:20pm. There are a total of 29 classes at Mearns Primary, as well as 2 Nursery Classes. The school has recently been awarded the Green Flag Award for being an Eco Friendly school. Mearns Primary sets a high standard in enterprise, recently creating a yearbook, holding a Burns supper, and also holding a French Cafe night. Old Mearns School Opened in September 1876, the old Mearns Primary School building was a traditional Scottish schoolhouse of some architectural merit. Due to greater demand for places at the school from a growing community, a larger building was constructed next to the old building in the 1960's. The school continued to grow, and with more demand for places came increasing pressures on the size of the building. In 1997 two additional 'temporary' buildings were constructed to ease the pressure. However, the conditions of the older buildings and the need to accommodate an increasing number of pupils lead to a new school being constructed on a new site. This new school building was opened to pupils on Monday 20 August 2001. The old school closed its doors in June 2001, marking the end of over a century long association with the community. The old buildings, including the original 1876 building, were demolished by East Renfrewshire council, despite several protests due to its nostalgic place in the heart of the community, and the site is currently being used as a car park for the adjoining Avenue Shopping Centre. New Mearns School The new Mearns Primary building had an uneasy start, when, in January 2002, high winds caused parts of the roof to lift off and scatter across the playground. Fortunately, nobody was injured and the school was able to re-open after one week. The site of the older Mearns School is situated further north of the town centre on Ayr Road (at approximately 55° 46' 24.28" N, 4° 19' 53.24" W). In 2009 Mearns Primary received a Rights Respecting Schools Award.