Max Gore

Maximillon Williom Gore VI (1864-1907) was one of America's most dangerous serial killers. He was born in a poor farming family near Nottingham, England to Maxmillon Gore V and Jennifer Jerome. Failing to cope with the lack of freedom in their own homeland, they decided to move to America.

They settled in a small Indiana town called Harrodsburg. Rumors have been told that mysterious people have came to town and would murder the people who lived in town. The McCree family who owned the hotel disguised as an angry man's face. Successfully scared off intruders. Unfortunately, the McCrees were facing a large amount of debt due to having little or no guests staying at their hotel. All this change, when the Gore family stayed in their hotel.

On October 31, 1894 night, was probably the worst hotel murders in history. Max killed the entire McCree family, including their youngest daughter Abigail, by using a large axe from their shed. Later, he disected his victims by making totem poles out of their bones.

The McCrees vanished on that day.

Rumors have been told that Max was criminally insane by created death traps for his guests. They were a total of 100 deaths, including the death of Supreme Court Justice, Robert Alexander of Missouri.

Today, the hotel built by the McCrees is used as a haunted house. However, the legacy of Max Gore lives on.
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