Maurice Pedergnana

Curriculums Vitae
Maurice Pedergnana (* 1964) is a Swiss economist. Maurice Pedergnana graduated from University of St. Gallen, Switzerland, in 1988 with a thesis on the economic impact of AIDS. From 1989 to 1991 he worked as an assistant to economist Fredmund Malik in St. Gallen. In 1992 and 1993 a scholarship to the Sophia-University of Tokyo resulted in a doctoral thesis on „Competition and factors for success of Swiss enterprises in foreign markets as investigated in examples on the Japanese market.“
In the years 1992 and 1993 he was holder of a scholarship at Sophia-University of Tokyo . Afterwards he returned to University of St. Gallen, where he wrote his doctoral thesis on „Competition and factors for success of Swiss enterprises in foreign markets at the example of the Japanese market“. From 1997 to 2000 he also worked as a consultant in the field of controlling and management information systems for public institutions („new public management“ at Viability Consulting Ltd. From 1997 to 2001 he lectured at Zurich University of Applied Sciences.
In 2000 Maurice Pedergnana followed a call to Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, where he is professor of Banking and Finance, director of Master Courses of Advanced Studies in Bank Management and deputy director of the Institute for Financial Services Zug IFZ. He is also general secretary of SECA (Swiss Private Equity & Corporate Finance Association). He is on the board of several Swiss companies: Viability Consulting Ltd ., SIM Research Institute Ltd., Zugerberg Finanz Ltd., Uniserv Ltd. and Zurich Cantonal Bank. Since 2004 he has been chairman of the audit committee of Cantonal Bank of Zurich.
Maurice Richard Harvey Pedergnana was born in 1964 in Winterthur, Switzerland, the last of three children of Charlotte and Herman Pedergnana, journalists/writers. With Jacqueline Fehr, a member of the Swiss National Council, he has two teenage boys in Winterthur (Switzerland), where his sister Pearl Pedergnana is city counsellor. His brother heads a [ lawyer’s office] in St. Gallen.
List of his publications
* Venture Capital Manifest 2010. SECA Verlag, Zug 2010 (in cooperation with Christoph Banik) (German-language monograph)
* Financial market crisis: Trigger, causes and impact. DFRVB, Fribourg 2009 (in cooperation with Nicolas Bürkler and Aldo Greca) (German-language monograph; German title: Finanzmarktkrise: Auslöser, Ursachen, Wirkungen))
* Strategic Investment Management. Haupt Verlag, Bern 2008, 220 pages. (in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Cuno Pümpin and technically supported by Nicolas Bürkler) (German-language monograph; German title: Strategisches Investment Management)
* Swiss capital investments: investors, investments and performance-messurement, SECA Verlag, Zug 2009, 100 pages (in cooperation with Cyril Demaria) (French-langugage monograph; French title: Le capital-investissement suisse: acteurs, investissement et performance)
* Hybrid and mezzanine Investments: chances and limitations, Haupt Verlag, Bern 2008, 240 pages. (in cooperation with senior scientific assistant Christoph Banik and Matthias Ogg) more information are available online: German language monograph; German title: Hybride und mezzanine Finanzierungsinstrumente: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen
* Mezzanine Finance. IFZ, Zug 2004, 110 pages. (in cooperation with Dr. Beat Barthold and Oliver Müller-Känel) (German-language)
* Credit Market Switzerland, IFZ, Zug 2004, 444 pages. (in cooperation with Dr. Christoph Schacht) (German-language monograph; German title: Kreditmarkt Schweiz)
* Credit relations between banks and small and medium sized enterprises. An empirical approach under spezial considuration of structural changes in the Swiss credit market, IFZ, Zug 2004, 496 pages. (in cooperation with Dr. Christoph Schacht and Dr. Christoph Sax) (German-language monograph; German title: Kreditbeziehungen zwischen Banken und KMU - Eine empirische Analyse unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der strukturellen Veränderungen im schweizerischen Kreditmarkt)
* Scientific analysis of all Swiss cantonal banks, 2004. IFZ, Zug 2004, 596 pages. (in cooperation with scientific assistant Daniel Piazza) (German-language monograph; German title: Kantonalbanken im Vergleich 2004)
* Banks & Brands, Haupt Verlag, Bern/Stuttgart/Wien 2003, 483 pages. (with Martin Schneider and Stefan Vogler; Get Abstract ranked this publication as follows: overall rating 8, Ability for Implementation 9, Innovation 7, Style 8) (German-language monograph)
* Concept of social security in Switzerland. Haupt Verlag, Bern/Stuttgart/Wien 1996. A scientific study by order of Swiss Community for futurology (in cooperation with Peter Füglistaler, head of Swiss federal department of transport) (German-language monograph; German title: Vision einer sozialen Schweiz)
* It’s high time for job-sharing: The currently unused potential for the entire economy and society. A manual for enterprises, women and men, Winterthur 1995. (in cooperation with Franziska Frohofer and Susanne Schmid) (German-language monograph; German title: Zeit für Arbeitsteilung ̶ Das ungenutzte Potential für Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. Ein Leitfaden für Unternehmen, Frauen und Männer)
* Concept of social security in Switzerland. Orell Füssli Verlag, Zürich 1993. (in cooperation with Peter Füglistaler) (German-language monograph; German title: Wege zu einer sozialen Schweiz)
* The Japanese Market - Characteristics of competition, factors of success, and legal framework - outlined at the example of Swiss enterprises. Hallstadt Verlag Baden-Baden 1993. (Doctoral thesis at University of St. Gallen) (German-language monograph; German title: Der japanische Markt - Wettbewerbsmerkmale, Erfolgsfaktoren und Rahmenbedingungen dargestellt am Beispiel von Schweizer Unternehmen)
* AIDS -Development in Switzerland before 1995: Results of an interdisciplinary workshop at University of St. Gallen conserning health economics, health care policy, health law challenges of AIDS. Huber Verlag, Bern 1988. (in cooperation with Hans Schmid and Von Wartburg - Preamble by Flavio Cotti ) (German-language monograph; German title: Aids - Zur Entwicklung in der Schweiz bis 1995: Ergebnisse eines interdisziplinären Seminars an der Hochschule St. Gallen über gesundheitsökonomische, gesundheitspolitische und gesundheitsrechtliche Zukunftsprobleme von AIDS)
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