Eugene Sensenig-Dabbous

Eugene Sensenig-Dabbous (*17 February 1956 in Harrisonburg, Virginia, USA) is an Austrian-American historian and political scientist.
Sensenig-Dabbous studied English and German literature, political science, and history in the United States (Franklin & Marshall College, Goshen College) and Austria, receiving a MA and PhD from the Paris-Lodron University in Salzburg in 1984 and 1985 respectively.
He worked at the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Labour History and the Gender Link Diversity Centre - both in Salzburg, Austria - before moving to Lebanon in 1999 where he teaches political science at the Notre Dame University - Louaize since 2001.
He was later given the post of chairman of the Political Science department.
He has also been a research associate at the Lebanese Emigration Research Center (LERC) since its inception in 2003. He is a civil society activist in Lebanon in the fields of electoral reform, fair trade/food sovereignty, and full citizenship rights for women.
He is also an active member in Democrats Abroad, having helped organize the talks for the 2008 elections for them and having created the Lebanon chapter of the group.
*Unterschichten und Randgruppen: Forschungsberichte - Fachgespräche. Dokumentation zur internationalen Tagung "Unterschichten und Randgruppen", in German, ISBN 3901900128
*Sensenig-Dabbous, E. (2009) From Metternich to EU: 150 Years of Austrian Migration Policy, (e-publication in German) <>)
*Hourani, G. and Sensenig-Dabbous, E. (2007). Insecurity, Migration and Return: The Case of Lebanon Following the Summer 2006 War, European Consortium for Applied Research on International Migration (CARIM), European Commission-MEDA Programme,, Florence, Italy.

*Sensenig-Dabbous, E. (2004). Will the Real Almásy Please Stand Up! Transporting Central European Orientalism via The English Patient, in: Comparative Studies of South Asia, and the Middle East (CSSAAME): German Orientalism, Vol. 24, No. 2, 2004; (

*Pircher, E. & Sensenig-Dabbous, E. (2001). (7 Steps to Equality - Do-it-yourself Handbook on Work/Life Reconciliation & Equal Opportunities in the Workplace) Sieben Schritte zur Gleichstellung, Gleichbehandlung und Vereinbarkeit von Männern und Frauen im Betrieb, Handbuch fuer Arbeitgeberinnen und Arbeitgebern, Vienna: Office of Women’s Affairs (MA57), ISBN 3902125098

*Sensenig, E. & Pichler, W. (1990) (Social History of Mining in South Tirol) Bergbau in Suedtirol, Von der Alttiroler Bergbautradition zur modernen italienischen Montanindustrie - Eine Sozialgeschichte, Salzburg: Verlag Grauwerte, ISBN 3854190824

*Sensenig, E. (1990). (Forced Labour in Nazi Controlled Salzburg) Fremdarbeiter beim Bau der Dr. Todtbruecke in der Gauhauptstadt Salzburg, in: Ardelt, R.G. & Hautmann, H. (eds.), Arbeiterschaft und Nationalsozialismus in Österreich, Vienna: Europa Verlag, ISBN 3203510529

*Sensenig, E. (1987). (Austrian and American Labour Relations) Oesterreichisch-amerikanische Gewerkschaftsbeziehungen 1945 bis 1950, Cologne: Pahl-Rugenstein Verlag, ISBN 376095197X
*[ Interview "Abschiebung in 24 Stunden", Zenith Online - Der Orient im Netz]
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