Martin Muoto

Martin Muoto is a Nigerian-born social activist, entrepreneur and investor from Los Angeles, United States. Muoto initiator of the creation of a fund, part of the profits of which will go to Black Lives Matter Network. He is known as the founder and managing partner of Sola Impact, a real estate company, based in Los Angeles.
Muoto, the CEO of SoLa Impact, is raising $1 billion in a pair of real estate funds to develop housing for Black and Brown communities in California and across the West Coast. Martin Muoto's new Black Impact Fund focuses on opportunity zones and nearby areas. SoLa has been investing in opportunity zones, a program created by the that allows investors to defer and reduce taxes if they reinvest capital gains in designated low-income communities. The $1 billion Black Impact Fund come in the wake of a Black Lives Matter Movement that highlighted a growing wealth gap, racial inequality, systemic racism, and the importance of housing and social services in certain communities. Muoto and his investment fund are attempting to level the playing field and achieve racial equality by providing accessible housing to minority communities that need it most.
Black Impact Fund is that it ensures that the communities also benefit from the fund's investments, according to Martin. He specified that 13% of all asset appreciation and fees earned will go toward funding an affiliated nonprofit Black Impact Community Fund to build for-sale housing for community members to purchase at a cost — encouraging home ownership and wealth creation where it otherwise might not exist.
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