Ludwig Falter

Ludwig Falter (born 15 June 1880 in Steinbuch, Odenwald, date of death unknown) was a German philosopher and
mathematician. During World War II, Dr Ludwig Falter worked as a mathematician, cryptanalyst and English interpreter, initially working in the English Referat of In 7/VI, the signals intelligence agency of the Wehrmacht, before and during World War II. He would later work for the General der Nachrichtenaufklärung, the successor organization to the In 7/VI, specifically undertaking analytical research from the summer of 1944 in Group IV.
Falter was son of a farmer () Heinrich Falter at Steinbuch within the Odenwald mountain road. Falter enrolled and registered at the University of Giessen (Gießen) on 30 April 1898, as student of mathematics and was exmatriculated a year later on the 12 May 1899. Falter had another go at the university and enrolled for a second time at Gießen and registered at 28 October 1899 as student of mathematics and de-registered at 19.06.1902. From February 1899 he worked sometimes as a teacher of mathematics at the Pädagogium in Wiesbaden.<ref name"sir1704"/>
Little is known about Falter after this period, except that he was promoted to Dr. phil at Gießen with a theses titled: The epistemological foundations of mathematics in Kant and Hume, () on 29 December 1903. His doctoral advisor and mentor was the philosopher, Hermann Siebeck<ref name"studref"/><ref name"sir1704"/>
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