Low Carbon Cementitious Initiative

Low Carbon Cementitious Initiative (LCCI) is a network of academics and industrials working on potential solutions to mitigate CO2 emissions and increase resource efficiency over the life cycle of the cementitious materials, and promote solutions that are low-cost, technologically robust and environmentally sound.
The network finished recently its first report, Eco-efficient cements: Potential, economically viable solutions for a low-CO2, cement-based materials industry, commissioned for UN Environment Programm.
The report presents a set of new and existent technically sound and low-cost technologies, that combined are capable of mitigate more than of 1Gt.year-1 of CO2 by 2050, in the cement industry, if further developed and introduced in the market. This CO2 mitigation is at least 1.7 times higher than share attributed by IEA WBCSD Road Map of 2009 to Carbon Capture and Storage, a costly and environmentally risky technology. The study reveals that many of the technologies promoted by media has a low mitigation potential, meanwhile other neglected technologies do have an significant potential to mitigate.<ref name=paper />
Main Activities
Reports comissioned by UNEP SBCI
Research Efficiency strategies for the cement value chain
Analysis of CO2 circular economy in concrete
Switzerland: Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne EPFL and Zurich ETHZ
Brazil: Polytechnic School, University of Sao Paulo (USP)
South Africa: University of Cape Town
USA: UC Davis, GCP Applied Technologies
India: ITT Madras, TARA
UK: University of Sheffield
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