
Loopthing is social networking site for businesses founded in mid 2007 and launched in the first half of April 2009. At the moment it was launched as beta the site has been supported by 4 employees.
Company information
Loopthing's CEO is founder Joseph Kelly who was 23 years old at the time the company was started. Latest feature added to the site was the Networking one, which enables business create new networks, where individuals and other businesses interact based on common interests. Each network allows individuals and businesses to discuss in a threaded environment, just like a discussion board where topics are added by the network's members only.
Right after launching, the idea of Loopthing was criticized by few Irish web entrepreneurs as being an website which doesn't inform visitors about the site's objective and missing unique features that make the site stand out from the competition.
As a reply to this, Joseph Kelly, the CEO of Loopthing explains that Loopthing had a soft launch, where many features are still under development and there's a long way to go until the planned features are complete. Also, he mentioned that the reason why Loopthing was launched earlier was to see the site getting populated with new members a lot earlier..
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