Lives and Deaths of the Poets

Lives and Deaths of the Poets is an upcoming comedy film written & directed by Leland Steigs and due to be released in 2009.

Lives and Deaths of the Poets spoofs and parodies incidents taken from the lives of famous writers, artists, and musicians (collectively "Poets") throughout history. Comprising a series of approximately 60 comic vignettes, the movie is the fictional story of what really did not happen to these famed Poets, who have so enriched all our lives.


* Edward Robert Bach as Wendell Kennedy
* Jonah Baker as Elvis Presley / Ernest Hemingway
* Lou Zammichieli as Jim Morrison / Lord Byron
* Sharon Carpenter-Rose as Anne Hathaway, Shakespeare's wife / / Virginia Woolf
* Patrick Michael Strange as Salvador Dali / Jose Feliciano
* Bruce Allen Dawson as Jimi Hendrix / Ralph Ellison
* Greg Coale as Edgar Allan Poe / Woody Allen
* Terria Monay as Janis Joplin
* Gayle Yiotis as Yoko Ono
* David Seemiller as Quentin Tarantino
* Ashley Edmiston as Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
* John Geoffrion as William Shakespeare / James Joyce
* Gordon Gantt as Buddy Holly
* Joseph Thornhill as Ritchie Valens
* Michelle Trout as Agatha Christie / Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy
* Leo Reynolds as Michael Jackson
* Bill Jones as Leo Tolstoy
* Larry Carter as Lord FitzWilliam
* Steve Leventhal as Joseph P. Kennedy Sr.
* Amanda O'Connor as Mary Jo
* Dennis Farrell as Teddy Kennedy
* Raja Deka as Pablo Picasso
* Phil Filsoof as Hugh Hefner / Gustave Flaubert
* Terry Ward as Ed Wood
* Peter Yiotis as Yukio Mishima
* Frank Mancino as William Faulkner / Marcel Proust
* Thomas Rotella as Leonardo Da Vinci
* Ted Culler as James Whale
* Lenny Levy as Stanley Kubrick / Woody Allen's psychiatrist
* Rebecca A. Herron as Frieda Lawrence
* Josh Anderson as William Burroughs / Gavin Stevens
* Samantha Merrick as Mona Lisa / Joan Vollmer
* Benjamin Kingsland as Jack Kerouac
* Brian Mac Ian as William Wordsworth / Ted Hughes

Filming locations include:
* Washington, DC
* Maryland
* Virginia
* West Virginia
* Pennsylvania

In Production (as of 10/20/2008)
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