List of CSS frameworks

A list of CSS frameworks.
* Blueprint
* Yahoo! UI Grids
* BlueTripCSS Framework: combines Blueprint, Tripoli, Elements, and Hartija CSS frameworks
* Emastic: CSS Framework with elastic layout
* Malo: Derives from Emastic.% based grid.
* The Golden Grid: It's a product of the search for the perfect modern grid system.
* +
** In a nod to grid design used in print systems, the 960 grid system makes available a 12- or 16-column grid system, with the user specifying the width of each layer as grid_XX, where XX is the width in columns. The Fluid 960 Framework incorporates AJAX into the structure to create a more extensible layout.
* Tripoli
* Boilerplate
* YAML (not to be confused with YAML)
** A comprehensive framework designed to allow easy structuring of a layouts, and be cross-browser compatible. Large community support. Also check out the YAML Builder for a GUI-approach to creating a YAML-based layout.
* WYMStyle
* Taffy
* Elements
* Logic CSS Framework, targets XHTML Strict and has PHP utilities and builders
* Content with Style CSS Framework
* That standards Guy! CSS Framework
* Hartija - Css Print Framework
* Formy - CSS Form Framework
* SenCSS : A sensible standards CSS framework
* Typogridphy: A Typographical and Grid Layout CSS Framework
** For those looking to create typographic or text-heavy layouts, Typogridphy uses ems to measure and scale all text, creating a fully zoomable layout. Based on the 960 Grid System (see above). Validates CSS and XHTML Strict.
* : A Typographical CSS Framework
* Schema
* cleverCSS, which mixes Python syntax with CSS
* aardvark.legs
** CSS Framework which unites the styling across different browsers and provides basic styles for cross-browser forms, does not have any layout styles; weighs under 4kB.
* Server-side CSS for Ruby on Rails
* CSS Cacheer
* Compass: A Sass-based stylesheet framework that contains ports of Blueprint and YUI.
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