List of criticism and critique articles

This is a list of criticism and critique-based articles on the English . This article aims to list all the articles whose purpose is to state the criticism and/or critique surrounding an entity. Titles that redirect to a section of an article have been excluded. Criticisms and critiques are the expression of disapproval of someone or something based on perceived faults or mistakes. It can also be the critical assessment of a literary or artistic work.
* Criticism of religion
* Criticism of Christianity
* Criticism of the Catholic Church
** Criticism of the Bible
** Criticism of Jesus
** Criticism of Mother Teresa
** Criticism of Pope John Paul II
* Criticism of Jehovah's Witnesses
* Criticism of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
** Criticism of the Book of Mormon
** Criticism of Mormon sacred texts
* Criticism of the Seventh-day Adventist Church
** Criticism of Ellen G. White
* Criticism of Islam
* Criticism of Muhammad
* Criticism of Hadith
* Criticism of the Quran
* Criticism of atheism
* Criticism of Judaism
** Criticism of Conservative Judaism
* Criticism of Hinduism
* Criticism of Buddhism
* Criticism of Jainism
* Criticism of Twelver Shi'ism
* Criticism of monotheism
* Criticism of Moses
Government, political philosophies and political issues
Political philosophies
* Criticisms of anarchism
* Criticisms of anarcho-capitalism
* Criticism of democracy
* Criticisms of globalization
* Criticism of government
* Criticism of Islamism
* Criticism of libertarianism
* Criticisms of electoralism
* Criticisms of Marxism
* Criticisms of socialism
* Criticism of Monarchy
* Criticisms of communist party rule
Governmental organizations and policies
* Criticism of the War on Terror
* Criticism of the 9/11 Commission
* Criticism of government response to Hurricane Katrina
* Criticism of American foreign policy
* Criticism of the Federal Reserve
* Criticism of the Food and Drug Administration
* Criticism of the Space Shuttle program
* Criticism of the United Nations
* Criticism of the European Union
* Criticism of the Israeli government
* Criticism of the National Health Service
* Criticism of Greenpeace
* Criticism of Amnesty International
* Criticism of Human Rights Watch
* Criticism of the Kyoto Protocol
* Criticism of the FRA law
Related issues and themes
* Criticism of capitalism
* Critique of the Kantian philosophy
* Criticism of multiculturalism
* Criticism of postmodernism
* Criticisms of econometrics
* Criticisms of the labour theory of value
* Criticisms of neoclassical economics
* Criticism of marriage
* Criticism of debt
* Criticism of fast food
* Criticisms of welfare
* Criticism of advertising
* Criticism of fair trade
* Critique of technology
* Critique of ideology
* Criticism of fractional reserve banking
Products, companies, organizations and corporations
* Criticisms of corporations
* Criticism of Google
* Criticism of Facebook
* Criticism of eBay
* Criticisms of Myspace
* Criticism of Apple Inc.
* Criticism of Microsoft
* Criticism of Microsoft Windows
* Criticism of Windows Vista
* Criticism of Windows XP
* Criticism of Linux
* Criticism of desktop Linux
* Criticism of Java
Shopping centres
* Criticism of Walmart
* Criticism of Tesco
* Criticisms of Cargill
TV shows
* Criticism of Family Guy
* Controversy and criticism of The X Factor
* Controversy and criticism of Jersey Shore
* Criticism of the BBC
* Criticism of the World Trade Organization
* Criticism of The Walt Disney Company
* Criticism of ESPN
* Criticisms of BSkyB
* Criticism of Second Life
* Criticism of Ultima Online
* Criticism of Coca-Cola
* Criticism of sport utility vehicles
Math and science
* Criticism of science
* Criticisms of anti-scientific viewpoints
* Criticism of the theory of relativity
* Criticism of evolutionary psychology
* Criticism of non-standard analysis
* Criticism of chiropractic care
* Criticism of Esperanto
* Criticism of
* Criticism of Holocaust denial
* Criticism of Western culture
* Criticism of Akira Kurosawa
* Criticisms of Salvador Allende
* Criticism of the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report
* Criticism of Tamil Brahmins
* Criticism of Osama bin Laden
* Criticism of Franklin D. Roosevelt
* Criticism of the Pledge of Allegiance
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