The following is a list of some adherents to the belief in the 2012 phenomenon, based on public statements such as books, websites, speeches, interviews and statements in other media formats. The list states the name of the person, followed by a reference to one or more of the statements they have made that actively support the claim that there will be unprecedented changes of various kinds in 2012. 2012 Adherents Caruson, David (2008). BOOK: 2013 Oracle: Ancient Keys to the 2012 Awakening. Crowther, Kiesha (2011). WEBSITE: Registrant: Kiesha Crowther Geryl, Patrick (2008). BOOK: How to Survive 2012: Tactics and Survival Places for the Coming Pole Shift. Jenkins, John Major (1994-2004). BOOKS: Pyramid of Fire (2004); Galactic Alignment (2002); Tzolkin (1994) Melchizedek, Drunvalo (2007). BOOK: Serpent of Light: Beyond 2012. Peterson, John (2008). BOOK: A Vision for 2012: Planning for Extraordinary Change. Ratinck, Gino (2001). BOOK (co-author): The Orion Prophecy.