
: In theology, a neologism is a relatively new doctrine (for example, Transcendentalism). In this sense, a neologist is one who proposes either a new doctrine or a new interpretation of source material such as religious texts.
Enbrightenment is a neoglism that describes a new spiritual tradition. The root of the neoglism is Enbrighten. Enbrightenment was coined in July 2002 by Jared J. Kimble. The word was born on the day Jared J. Kimble claims Full Realization of Truth and God manifested through him: July 22, 2002 (sourced in his books "The Resurrection Testament "). The word Bright was used to describe the light of Reality/God in a book (The Knee of Listening by Avatar Adi Da) he was reading at the time. In order to create a word that specifically defined enlightenment Jared J. Kimble simply removed the word light from the word enlightenment and added the word bright.
Enbrightenment was coined to capture a specific realization of consciousness in relationship to the body and esoteric anatomy, and to provide a solid and well defined/clarified word to refer to the sum total of Self realization and the process of whole bodily realization without all the baggage of the word enlightenment. Jared J. Kimble proceeded to coin a few more words to help support the word Enbrightenment and its defining of a specific revelation of human consciousness, and one of these words is 'Spiritual Cross' Spiritual Cross, which is a word used to refer to the esoteric anatomy of consciousness.
enbrightenment in a sentence
Besides the definition that Jared J. Kimble has laid out for the word enbrightenment there are other ways the word is used. It is used to describe the illumination of an area (room, yard). It is used to describe a feeling of happiness and catalyzing some kind of euphoriaeuphoria. A few sentences using the word enbrightenment or variations (not associated with Jared J. Kimble's initial coining of the word) ->
1: I want to enbrighten this part of the yard at night.
2: My friend enbrightens me every time he is around me.
3: The enbrightenment of the yard is well done.
Other uses of the word Enbright, Enbrighten and Enbrightenment
There have been other uses of the word enbrightenment. Aveda skin care Aveda skin care uses the term in their makeup line.
Home page of a website using the word Enbrighten, and claiming to be a new age way for humanity (not associated with Jared J. Kimble). http://enbrightenme.com/about/
Blog using the word enbrighten relative to cigarettes. http://www.gvp.ch/index.php?title=Electronic_cigarette_enbrighten_your_path_to_delight
Used in sunscreen product name. http://www.emporiumonnet.co.uk/beauty_health/vlcc/sun_control_range/enbrighten-tinted-sunscreen-souffle-spf25-pa.html
Lighting technology in product name. Zhejiang Enbright Lighting Technology - Google if you want to see link.
Using the word in comparison to enlightenment. http://instituteforjedirealiststudies.org/forum/10-spirituality-religion-and-philosophy/25394-enbrightening-on-enlightening
Enbrightenment - word's first appearance in print/history
In 2002 there weren't any results for the word Enbrightenment in search engines. It seems that Jared J. Kimble is the first person to actually type the word on the internet in mid to late 2002: SOURCE - (read 'Story of my Awakening' at the main website). The first book using the word enbrightenment was published in 2004 (only remaining link showing publishing in 2004 . The book was the first volume in a four book series called 'The Resurrection Testament', which was sub-titled 'Enbrightenment of Christ'. The book was unpublished shortly after the publication, and the 'The Resurrection Testament' went unpublished until December 2010. In December 2010 the first volume was republished after being edited, which is called 'The Resurrection Testament' (Enbrightenment of Christ). There are five total books currently published for the spiritual tradition of Enbrightenment. Enbrightenment is the parent or flagship spiritual tradition of Enbrightenment, and a secondary sub tradition, devoted to Jesus Christ is called Christ Enbrightenment. Both of these spiritual traditions have their manifesto and founding text/scripture in the books 'The Resurrection Testament'.
Teachings of Enbrightenment according to Jared J. Kimble
Source: Easy Enbrightenment: There are two principle teachings within Enbrightenment. The first says spiritual practice (sadhana) requires at least a Faith based Realization of our True Self found in God Only, and this Realization Is Always Freely Available to ALL right Now (without at least a Faith based Realization of Self there is No real spiritual growth or awakening), and this is supported by an (intellectual) acknowledgment that there Is Only One True Identity of Reality and IT Is God’s - The~Only Presence that fundamentally, solely and eternally exists. The Self realized in the beginning is the Same Self bodily Realized through the process of Enbrightenment.
The second teaching says that the body progressively realizes the wholeness of the Spiritual Cross (esoteric anatomy of consciousness discovered in the midst of the human condition), and that bodily conscious process involves God capitulating (making the body/mind Its Own - Living in God’s Will Perfectly in All moments of existence) All forms of bodily consciousness unto a Single Source of Consciousness.
This entire process of God Realization is called Enbrightenment. The anatomical structure of consciousness that manifests within and through the body/mind during the Process of Enbrightenment is called the Spiritual Cross. The total Awakening and Realization of the Spiritual Cross is correlated with the entire Process of Enbrightenment. All the stages of Enbrightenment are broken down in Testament of Resurrection and God Realization called “The Resurrection Testament” (there are 4 volumes).
Enbrightenment is an integral spiritual tradition that understands the Real connections and correlations of True God found in all traditions, and those unifying qualities, found in all genuine spiritual traditions, are the focus of the dialog between Enbrightenment and any other spiritual tradition on Earth. I do not claim this is the Only Way, but I do claim Enbrightenment Is a Genuine spiritual tradition, and Enbrightenment Offers a Full revelation of Complete God Realization. No one has to convert or become a devotee of Enbrightenment, instead, take from Enbrightenment what works for you today. This tradition does not force itself or set up reasons for believing in it based on fear, threats and/or eternal hell. Enbrightenment is a Light shining through the darkness of ego. - end quote
Iconic Imagery for Enbrightenment
Jared J. Kimble also created an iconic image of Enbrightenment. The link below is the original version of the iconic image made in early 2003.
Iconic Image Spiritual Cross
Three Primary Practices
Source: Three Primary Practices: 1: Always remember your True Nature in God, and never let the flesh/soul forget.
2: Practice love and compassion in all your relationships, including animals, along with things and places.
3: Right-breathing means breathing through the nose, and use the breath (through the nose) to be the living current of peace and calmness in all experiences, moment to moment. - end quote
=== Vision~Inquiry ===
Source: [http://www.heartrealization.com/visioninquiry.html Vision~Inquiry]: The individual practicing Enbrightenment's Heart~Fire 'Vision~Inquiry' of the Guru is Seeing (or learning to See) the Guru as their very own Self, and through the True Heart 'Vision~Inquiry' the devotee's (of Enbrightenment) body/mind is purged of the egoic conscious living experience in every part of the flesh and mind, through and through.
The 'Vision~Inquiry' of Enbrightenment is the Highest form of Spiritual practice, it is the most direct form of Spiritual practice (in Enbrightenment), and the 'Vision~Inquiry' is something that anyone can practice regardless of how advanced or how immature.

'Vision~Inquiry' always leads to Heart~Fire Communion, and that Commune-ication is beyond language and forms of media, that Commune-ication perpetually reveals the 'Living Transcendent Realm of God'. - end quote
Books of Enbrightenment
There are currently five books written for Enbrightenment. 'The Resurrection Testament' is the manifesto of <big>Enbrightenment</big> and <big>Christ Enbrightenment</big>, it is the Spiritual Testament of Jared J. Kimble, and it consists of four books under that title. There are two books dedicated to each spiritual tradition. The two primary books of Enbrightenment are sub-titled 'Tower of Babblon' and 'The Ocean', and the two primary books of Christ Enbrightenment are sub titled 'Enbrightenment of Christ' and 'Fires of Transfiguration'.
The fifth book is called Enbrightened Commentary (Open Heart), and it is the first book published outside of 'The Resurrection Testament'. There are currently three more books being written for Enbrightenment, and probably many more to come. All books of Enbrightenment are available for reading for free at the main website. Enbrightenment Press is the official publisher of all books concerning Enbrightenment.
Guru/Lineage of Enbrightenment
[http://www.heartrealization.com/visioninquiry-photos-of-jared---various-enbrightenment-iconic-images.html# Jared J. Kimble] is the founder and lineage holder (Guru) of Enbrightenment. Enbrightenment will continue as a spiritual tradition after the physical death of Jared J. Kimble by passing on the lineage of the head/abbot of both spiritual traditions (Enbrightenment and Christ Enbrightenment, and Enbrightenment overall) to another person (male of female). The central realizer of Enbrightenment is Jared J. Kimble, and this person is also the Transmission (of spiritual light, fire and love-bliss) master and human source for the awakening of Enbrightenment.
Jared J. Kimble goes by three primary/spiritual names: Achala~Da Fire, Babblon, Siddha Buddha.
Places of Enbrightenment
There are currently no practicing communities under the name Enbrightenment authorized by Jared J. Kimble. Enbrightenment appears to be in the earliest stages of growth, although there are people practicing Enbrightenment, there are no formal communites established by Jared J. Kimble yet.
Links Criticism and Discussions of Enbrightenment
This link has 12 pages of critical analysis:
Discussion of the esoteric qualities of Enbrightenment five years ago @ prestigious forum Galilean Library:
Discussion of some of the philosophical tenants of Enbrightenment @ Galilean Library:
Link to profile on Guru ratings, one has to scroll down page to find author:
Blog discussion on Spiritual Networks:
Forum discussion and criticism of Enbrightenment:
Links to supportive sites for Enbrightenment
* [http://www.youtube.com/user/TheBabblon?feature=mhee#p/a/u/0/HofgplVK_bk Enbrightenment Youtube channel]
* [http://www.heartrealization.com/index.html#/ Enbrightenment's main website]
* Enbrightenment on Consciousazine
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