List of 18th – early 19th century sources on Souli and Souliotes

Souli is a toponym and today a municipality in Epirus, northwestern Greece. It is historically important as the former settlement of Souliotes, a semi-autonomous community of warriors who played a vital role in the Greek War of Independence (1821-c.1829). For this reason, Souli and Souliotes attracted the attention of many authors, travellers, historians, ethnologists etc. from early 19th century. There are also some late 18th century documents written by Souliotes, which later became the subject of academic research. The traditional Souliotic communities were dissolved during the Greek War of Independence and Souliotes were dispersed.
* The Diary of captivity of Fotos Tzavellas 1792-1793. Composed by Fotos Tzavellas during or soon after his captivity by Ali Pasha (1792-1793). It is written in simple Greek idiom of the area of Argyrkokastro or Chimara.
* [ J. P. Bellaire, "Précis des opérations générales de la division française du Levant", Paris, 1805, p. 139] J. P. Bellaire was a French officer ("Capitaine d' Infanterie") who served in the Ionian Islands with the Napoleonic Army.
* Lord Byron to John Hobhouse correspondence. Byron, having visited Epirus and Albania (1809 to 1811), gave to Hobhouse certain information on Souliotes.
#Byron to Hobhouse, letter from Newstead Abbey, October 13, 1811.
#Byron to Hobhouse, letter from 8, St James's Street, London, Nov. 2nd 1811
* The "Greek-Albanian dictionary", composed in 1809 by Markos Botsaris and his father, uncle and father in law, after request by François Pouqueville. The Greek academic Titos Yochalas (Arvanite speaker himself) studied the dictionary and published a relevant essay (see Markos Botsaris).
* [ Pouqueville François, "Travels in the Morea, Albania, and Other Parts of the Ottoman Empire: ...", Henry Colburn, 1813, pp. 121, 126, 352, 379, 382, 390-394]
* John Hobhouse, travelled to Albania and Greece in 1809-1810, and describes Souli (as Sulli) and Souliotes in his travel book [ "A Journey Through Albania, and Other Provinces of Turkey in Europe and Asia, to Constantinople ...", M. Carey, Philadelphia, 1817, vol.1, pp 150-153, 164.]
* [ Perraivos “History of Suli and Parga, containing their chronology and their wars …” A. Constable & Company, London, 1823.]
* In French. Songs in Greek and French.
* [ Wilhelm von Lüdemann, "Der Suliotenkrieg nebst den darauf bezüglichen Volksgesängen", F.U. Brockhaus, Leipsig, 1825.] Includes Souliotic songs from the work of Claude Fauriel "Chants populaires de la Grèce moderne" (1824), in Greek and German.
* [ärische+zeitschrift+suli&sourcebl&ots8WuufHmu1C&sigSMrTz5G9lsK0HGKy6WDIQBp5uwA&hlen&saX&ved0ahUKEwjm-d2j59LPAhUBOxQKHWjuBxYQ6AEIIjAB#vonepage&qSulioten&f=false Johann Baptist Schels, 1830, Oestreichische militärische Zeitschrift (Austrian Military Journal), Strauß & Sommer, 1830, vol. 4, issues 10-12, p. 72]
* Papacharissis Athanasios, complete edition of the Geography of Albania and Epirus by K. Thesprotos and Ath. Psalidas. Epirotic Studies Society, 2nd edition, Ioannina 1964. Information on Souli mainly in p. 62. In Greek.
* [ Leake W. "Travels in Northern Greece", London, 1835, vol. 1, p. 502] English topographer William Martin Leake who surveyed the area around 1800, includes in his work an abstract of Christoforos Perraivos' work on the history of Souli.
* Lambros Koutsonikas, General History of the Greek Revolution, (Γενική Ιστορία της Ελληνικής Επαναστάσεως), Athens, 1863, vol. 1. It includes a chapter on the history of Souli (pp 1-88). In Greek.
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