Peter Belohlavek

Peter Belohlavek (born April 13, 1944) is a Slovak complexity science researcher, and founder of The Unicist Research Institute and the Unicist Goodwill Network. He is author of The Unicist Ontology of Evolution and the creator of the unicist approach.
Life and work
Born in Zilina, Slovakia, Belohlavek received his basic education in economics. Belohlavek started his career in industry, where he became executive at Siemens. In 1975 he came on his turning point when kidnapped by the leftist guerrilla. Belohlavek described, that "after the kidnapping, he was pursued by rightist military forces because of being a possible freedom-fighter. These extreme experiences changed the goals of his life forever and drove him to develop works that allowed dealing with the complexity of human adaptive systems."
Belohlavek developed the unicist ontological approach to complexity science to research and manage human complex adaptive systems and the unicist methodology for the research of complex systems. The framework of his complexity science research methodology is based on pragmatism, structuralism and functionalism. His models were applied to diagnoses, strategies, organization and future research in the social, institutional and individual fields.
The four basic pillars of his research were the ontogenesis of evolution, the anthropological invariables and their evolution, the ontointelligence, and the double dialectical behavior.
Selected publications
* Belohlavek, Peter. The unicist ontology of evolution: the ontogenetic intelligence of nature], Second Edition, Blue Eagle Group, 2008.
* Belohlavek, Peter. Design of Complex Systems Research: Introduction to the unicist research methodologies to diagnose and operate complex realities, Blue Eagle Group, 2008.
* Belohlavek, Peter. Complexity science: unicist research & design of human complex adaptive systems], Blue Eagle Group, 2011.
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