IMPACT Laboratory

The IMPACT (Improve Manufacturing Productivity with Advanced Collaboration Technology) laboratory is located at the University of Southern California. This multi-disciplinary and innovative laboratory is run out of the Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering Department, with influences from Industrial and Systems Engineering. Their research is focused on collaborative engineering, knowledge-based design and manufacturing systems, innovative product development, design theory and methods, and intelligent agents for engineering support.
Running the IMPACT Laboratory is the Director, Dr. Yan Jin and Dr. Stephen Lu.
Knowledge Management for Collaborative Engineering
The IMPACT Lab has conducted research on KICAD (Knowledge Infrastructure for Collaborative and Agent-based Design)to develop a network of intelligent agents which obtain information from human engineers and gives support to them where needed. This research provided information towards answering the questions like "How can intelligent agents manage knowledge?" and "How can knowledge be utilized for human support".
Cognitive Approaches to Creativity in Conceptual Design
Building off the work of those in the field of Creative Cognition (like Ronald Finke) and using the Geneplore Model as a base, the IMPACT Laboratory has proposed a creative cognitive model which can be applied to creativity engineering conceptual design. The model framework consist of Design Operations which generate Design Entities which stimulate Cognitive Processes which produce Design Operations. This cycle continues until a final concept is created.
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