Linda Spahiu

Linda Spahiu is an Albanian collector of national costumes, a childhood psychologist, a fashion artist and pediatrician from Tirana Albania. Spahiu is the creator of an ethnographic museum and a precious collection created with the Albanian women costumes named Trojet (Territories). Spahiu with her natural erudition and reach collection of costumes played the role of Fashion consultant stylist and movie directors for many television shows like dressing the models with in modern folk style in Miss Universe, Miss Albania or Tirana Fashion Week.
Early life
In 1991-1998 Spahiu started to show her intellectual knowledge, orator talent and leadership abilities speaking freely about modern psychology in Radio Tirana - RTSH with the professional journalist Valdete Antoni in live culture programs. Talking at first time for the Albanian public about the themes like Collective Narcissism, Necrophilia and the Universe of a Child in center of the society was part of mental emancipation
As a humanitarian activist and a director of the foundation Christian Children's Fund from 1999 in the time of Kosovo crises, Spahiu started her non profit activism by contributing with her social team with implementing psycho-social and developing programs from UNICEF in the area of Bathorë Kamëz in Tirana and after in Kukës district.
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