Lia Lahren


Who is Lia Lahren?

A fresh new face on the scene, Lia Lahren, known for her nightlife appearances is on the move to bigger and better things.  Heading to the "Big Apple" this fall to pursue a career in nightlife promotions, Lia Lahren has made her mark in her hometown of Scranton, Pa.  She owns a successful event planning business, assists with family businesses, has a conventional job, & participates in volunteer & charity work regularly. 

Being in her prescence is like being in the aura of a celebrity.  She's charming, friendly, and can make even the most awkward person feel comfortable in their own skin.  When asked for a comment or input for this article she responded:

"Dreams come true....let's do this again in six months!"

Sounds like we have a star in the making! 


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