Let me solo her

Let me solo her, also known as Klein Tsuboi, is a video game player whose assistance of others in the 2022 Elden Ring has been widely acclaimed within the game's online community. The player specializes in the game's Malenia boss fight, known among the most difficult fights in the game developer's history of high difficulty fights. After playing through the game, the player put about 200 hours into the "Let me solo her" character and began volunteering to assist players through its in-game player summoning feature, defeating Malenia hundreds of times while wearing no armor but a jar as a helmet. Videos of the player's nearly flawless and repeated performance became popular on social news website Reddit, leading to notoriety and fan art.
Elden Ring is a 2022 video game by FromSoftware, one of a genre of games labeled Soulslikes, known for their extreme difficulty and named for the developer's . The Malenia boss fight of Elden Ring is considered among the developer's hardest. Elden Ring is largely a single-player experience, but players can choose to play cooperatively by using a "summon sign" item to invite other volunteer players into the dungeon or boss fight until the objective is completed or a player dies. Having additional players summoned to a boss fight will increase the amount of damage required to defeat the boss.
Beginning on April 11, 2022, players began posting to the social news website Reddit telling of experiences by which a player known as "Let me solo her" summoned into their session to help them fight Malenia. The posts describe immaculate precision in dodging the difficult boss's manifold strikes with minimal injuries. The summoned player's name and appearance also projected confidence. The name "Let me solo her" signals to let this player face ("solo") the boss (her) alone. It is a rare form of communication in a game designed to restrict players to communicate solely through animated gestures. The summoned player also fights naked, without armor except for a jar as a helmet. This lack of protection means greater agility in dodge speed and distance. It also continues a tradition of Souls players who fight naked or with wacky armor to boast their ability.
"Let me solo her" quickly rose to legend within the game's community, between widspread reports of the player's deeds and idiosyncratic costume. Several posts about "Let me solo her" became the most upvoted on Elden Ring community page on Reddit. Fans created art and 3D models in tribute to the player. "Let me solo her" later identified himself as Klein Tsuboi.
"Let me solo her" had previously played other player versus player online games by FromSoftware and loved Dark Souls 3. He played through Elden Ring in the Samurai character class, advancing to its mode. It took him 242 tries to defeat Malenia for the first time with the assistance of two summoned players. The battle's design and difficulty led him to want to assist others. He appreciated the grace of her attacks and overall unforgiving character as a fight, such as the notorious difficulty in dodging her waterfowl dance. In time, he learned Malenia's animation and audio cues.
He began a new character and had put about 200 hours into reaching level 179 around the time of his rise to prominence. The character uses dual-wielded katanas. He chose to fight naked eventually in the Souls series tradition of the naked players being the most dangerous and feared, because they will dodge hits. The jar was taken as a good luck charm from the character Iron Fist Alexander, a favorite of the player's. He plays on Windows with mouse and keyboard (rather than a controller) during the afternoon and evenings Central Standard Time.
"Let me solo her" estimated to have defeated Malenia between 300 and 400 times by April 15th, and has died many times to the boss. He has said he has no issues with other players joining in the fight when he is summoned. He was excited by the game community's support for his quest.
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