Leo Beirut MidWest

Leo Beirut Midwest a social service club part of the Lions International Clubs, Omega Leo Club. the LEO Omega are the lion youth age 18 to 30 years old . Leo Club
Leo Club, a social service club related to the Lions International Club, that do social activities in serving.
Created in 2006 by the Lions club Beirut Midwest, the club stopped his activities in 2008. Leo Beirut MidWest got active again in 2012 tdent of the Lions Committee Mr. Elie Ft 351 thank for the Leo Adviser Lion Aphrodite Hodeib, Wocalities of Deir Mimas and Kfarkila with the NGO
* 18/11/2012 Environmental Activits in serving.
Club Board Members 2012 - 2013
* President : Fayez Nehmani
* Vice President : Nadim Younes
* Secretary : Maha Chammaa
* Treasury : Youssef Chammaa
Club Board Members 2013 - 2014
* President : Nadim Younes
* Vice President : Maha Chammaa
Club Activities 2012 - 2013 President : Leo Fayez Nehmani
* 23/07/2012 Breakfast at the Orphanage (Dar Al Aytam) - Kaskas
* 27/07/2012 Breakfast at the Nursing Home - Kaskas, in participation with Lions Beirut Mid West Club and in the presence of Lions President Nabil EL ROUSS
* 29/07/2012 Breakfast of the Orphans by the Association of Ahlouna - Saida in MacDonald’s and in the presence of the President of the Lions Committee Mr. Elie FARAH
* 30/07/2012 Suhoor at the Islamic Orphanage
* 08/08/2012 Suhoor at the Islamic Orphanage - Al Makassed in participation with Beirut Mid West Club
* 10/08/2012 Lions Suhoor at Grand Café
* 29/09/2012 Distribution of 200 school bags and stationery in the locality of Ain Arab, Khan Market and Rechknanay, in participation with the Spanish, Malaysian and Fijian Troops of the UNIFL and in the presence of the President of the Lions Committee Mr. Elie FARAH
* 17/11/2012 Olive picking in the localities of Deir Mimas and Kfarkila with the NGO
* 18/11/2012 Environmental Activity and tree planting in the name of Beirut Midwest Club in the region of Meriata Zaarta in collaboration with the Lions Environment Committee presided by Mirna CHAHINE
* 03/12/2012 Presenting 200 pairs of medical eyeglasses to the sight committee as well as /500/USD as financial support of the sight clinic
* 29/12/2012 Raise plants in collaboration with the Lions Green Team Committee presided by Georges BEJJANI in Achrafieh - Rmeil
* 29/12/2012 Circus in Michel Murr Compound for the orphans and /84/ persons with special needs in collaboration with Lions Club presided by Salim HKAYMEH
* 31/12/2012 For Christmas and New Year occasions, distribution of gifts, toys and Buche de Noel at the Association of Ahlouna - Saida and entertaining activity
* 31/01/2013 Distribution of /110/ winter sweaters for children at Hebarieh and Mari School in collaboration with the Indian Troop in the UNIFL and the director of civil affairs Baker EL SADEK and Edward
* 02/02/2013 Heritage School (Al Touras School) - Airport Road and Saint Gregoire School with the Green Team Committee presided by Georges BEJJANI
* 25/02/2013 Youth Meeting at the Lions with the International President
* 25/02/2013 Honoring the Artist Gloria SAKR at the Franciscan School
* 03/03/2013 Lunch with the association of Anta Akhi, exchanging gifts and presenting diapers for the persons with special needs and cakes in celebration of Christmas
* 23/05/2013 Eye surgery for an Old lady in Rafik El Hariri Hospital
* 27/05/2013 Wheel Chare for old person in Beit El rahme
Leo Beirut MidWest Club Activities 2013 - 2014 : President Leo Nadim Younes
* June 5, 2013 A meeting was held at Mandarine Verdun. Details were discussed about next activities and the club’s progress and strategy.
* June 13, 2013 Met with Paulo Serra, Head commander of UNIFIL.The exchange of awards and flags was completed. After the meeting, invited parties went to a restaurant for lunch, where new ideas were shared and informal discussions had about the next project and activities.
* June 30, 2013 Leo Beirut Mid-West met with Tamam Salam Prime Minister. Leo Nadim Younes provide the Prime Minister with the club flag. Following the club flag presentation, a discussion was had about youth in Lebanon and projects that might be suited to future youths.
* August 3, 2013 An Iftar for orphans in Saida was provided by Leo Beirut Mid-West at the 4B restaurant. The club provided Iftar as part of Ramadan. The orphans were provided dinner at the 4B restaurant and then the club played with the children in the playground area.
* August 7, 2013 Leo Beirut Mid-West made a further Iftar to the Association of Orphans in Saida. All the orphans were taken to 4B restaurant again, where dinner was shared with them and then the club played with the children in the playground area.
* August 14, 2013 Leo Beirut Mid-West held a meeting at Mandarine Verdun.
* September 5, 2013 Celebrated Leo Rami Cherri’s birthday and success in his schooling. This took place at his home, where cake was eaten and all had a good time. Rami Cherri was presented with a birthday gift as well.
* September 11, 2013 A meeting was held at Starbucks café in Rawche where ideas were shared about future activities that the club could participate in.
* September 20, 2013 Leo Beirut Mid-West provided funds for eye surgery to an old man in need. The surgery took place at Rafik el Hariri Hospital with the help of Lion Dr Adib Jabber. The surgery was a success.
* September 20, 2013 President Lion Ahmed Sabbeddine was honored for being the new President of Lions Beirut Mid-West, the Leo Beirut Mid-West sponsor club.
* September 28, 2013 The club provided more than 300 books to the Aley Library. The exchanging of flags with library director, Miss Aniseh Jaber also took place at this time.
* October 6, 2013 A medical mission in Hoch el Harime (Bekaa) for Syrian refugees took place. Doctors were brought to examine the refugees; this included a skin doctor, eye doctor, children’s doctor, stomach doctor, and general health doctor. Distribution of free medicine was also provided as needed along with eyeglasses. At the completion of the mission, the local Lion invited us to his home to have lunch and celebrate the success of the day.
* October 20, 2013 Leo Nadim Younes went with Leo Koura to Tannourine for fundraising purposes.
* November 1, 2013 Leo Beirut Mid-West funded an ear plug for a little Syrian refugee girl called Asma so that she might hear better. This was completed at Gefinor Center Beirut.
* Leo Beirut Mid-West funded eye surgery for Adib Askaraia, a Syrian refugee. Lion Dr Adib Jaber at Rafic el Hariri Hospital performed the surgery. Adib Asakra was in the medical mission in Hoch el Harime, where the doctor saw that he needed the operation and arranged it, in conjunction with Leo Beirut Mid-West.
* November 6, 2013 A meeting was held at Crepeaway Hamra, where dinner was eaten and discussions about the next project and club activities were held.
* November 10, 2013 Participated in the Olive Harvest with UNIFIL Española, Indonesian and Finish battalion, helping the farmers harvest the olives and an environment day in nature. This was held in south Lebanon on the border with Palestine. Following this, we went to lunch with UNIFIL
* Española, Indonesian and Finish battalion’s at ZAHRANI River at the Lebanese blue line border with Palestine.
* November 10, 2013 Leo Beirut Mid-West distributed blankets and food supplies for Syrian refugees in south Lebanon in the area called Heberiyeh with the help of the Heberieh municipality.
* November 21, 2013 Leo Youssef Chammaa attended the Leo Select Phoenix fundraising event - Karaoke.
* November 28, 2013 Leo Beirut Mid-West donated towards the construction of the Lions Charity Restaurant.
* November 29, 2013 Nadim Younes participated in the Leo Beirut Gate fundraising roulette.
* December 1, 2013 Nadim Younes and Youssef Chammaa attended second parliament.
* December 15, 2013 Nadim Younes and Maha shared in the Leo committee activity: Leo Day.
* December 29, 2013 Participated in Chwayfet Orthodox Her Lady church with children from the area (more than 60 kids) in their Christmas activities with father Elias Karam. Leo Beirut Mid-West provided candies, gifts and log cake to all children. The club danced and had fun with the children. Lion Dr Nabil Jaafar brought his keyboard and played Christmas music for the children as well.
* December 29, 2013 Leo Beirut Mid-West held a meeting celebrating the New Year as a Leo family
* January 2, 2014 The club invited the Anta Akhi Association for Special Needs to the Lebanese Circus. Popcorn was distributed to all and everyone had a good time, celebrating Christmas and the New Year.
* January 8, 2014 Leo Beirut Mid-West held a dinner meeting at Mandarine Verdun. Discussions were held about the previous months activities along with new activity ideas that the club could participate in for the coming months.
* January 12, 2014 Leo Beirut Mid-West distributed nutrition boxes to poor families and widow’s in north Lebanon, Tripoli; within the red zone, which is a very dangerous area. Beb el Tebbeneh and Sehrieh areas as well. Then we had lunch in the Tripoli area.
* January 12, 2014 Participation with Leo Select Phoenix in fundraising. Attended the Theater production with Maha Chammaa and Feyez Nehmani.
* January 31, 2014 Nadim Younes and Feyez Nehmani attended a gala dinner for Beirut wisdom.
* February 2, 2014 Leo Beirut Mid-West distributed books for schools in Bchemoun. Dar el Hemka International School was provided with more than 250 books. Met with General Director Dr. Samir Anis Ammar, where we exchanged the Leo Beirut Mid-West flag as well as the books, than Dr Ammar spoke about the School and medicine.
* February 12, 2014 A meeting was held in Starbucks Café, Hamra. Discussions were held about the club and future activities with voting held for new activity ideas presented.
* February 22, 2014 Leo Beirut Mid-West gave the Social Educational Childhood Center more than 300 books to provide to schools and children in need.
* March 12, 2014 A Club meeting was held in Leo Nadim Younes apartment. The meeting discussed the club’s progress and a summary of previous activities was reviewed. Upcoming activities were also discussed and setup.
* March 21, 2014 Today was Mother and Children day. Leo Beirut Mid-West went to Al Makased General Hospital to distribute flowers, gifts and neck pillows to mothers with newborn babies. This was to celebrate Mother’s Day.
* Leo Beirut Mid-West distributed gifts to children with cancer and brought a magician to provide a magic show. Lion Dr Nabil Jaafar played music on his keyboard danced with the kids. A big cake was provided to wish good health to all the kids on this special day. This was to celebrate Children’s day.
* March 22, 2014 Children’s day in Chuwaifat Education Center. We brought candies and cake to distribute to the children, a DJ played music, and activities for children were arranged,
* including a magician who provided a magic show in association with the Social Educational Childhood Center.
* Leo Beirut Mid-West had lunch together at KFC Aley and discuss about club activity.
* March 27, 2014 Celebrated Maha Chammaa’s birthday, where we had cake, sweets, and enjoyed a good time as a family.
* April 5, 2014 Planting trees with the Green Team on the roof of Ali Ben AbiTaleb School. The presence of Mr Amin al Daouk, President of Al Makaset Association and Lion Georges Bejjani, President of the Green Team committee was greatly appreciated, along with the presence of the President of Leo committee, Lion Antoine Tabarani. Students of this school also shared this moment with some of the teachers as well.
* April 11, 2014 The club provided windows with anti-bug protection for a school for special needs children in south Lebanon, with the participation of the Indian battalion UNIFIL.Distribution of chips, juice and cake for the children took place, as well as the exchanging of small Lebanese flags. The Indian battalion made a show for the students, playing music, where we all danced and had fun.
* April 11, 2014 The club participated in lighting the parliament in blue light to honor children with Autism and support this cause. President of Autism Committee, Nadine Lawandos and her lady Miss Lama Salam, wife of Prime Minister Tamam Salam, and the President of Autism Association in Lebanon, Arwa Halawi were present. President Nadim Younes had the chance to meet these people and participate in informal discussions.
* April 18, 2014 The club participated in planting trees on the roof top of the school Ali Bin Abi Taleb School with IP Barry Palmer. Those present included District Governor Lion Wajih Akkari, the Minister of Environment, Lion Mohamad el Machnouk , and President of Al Makased Association , Lion Amin al Daouk, along with local school students.
* April 18, 2014 Governate meeting with IP Barry Palmer. During the meeting, Nadim Younes made a speech and exchanged flags from Leo Beirut Mid-West with Barry Palmer.Information conversation was had following the meeting. We participated in opening the Leo room at the Governate, with the presence of the District Governor and District Chairperson and PID Lion Salim Mousan.
* April 27, 2014 Nadim Younes went to Berlin and had a meeting with Anna Jacobs from Leo Kerfer Germany Berlin. The exchange of flags took place and a gift from Leo Kerfer Club was presented - the pre-lunched LEF 2015 sunglasses. We exchanged new Leo ideas and talked about both club progress and activities.
* April 27, 2014 Maha Chammaa and Rami Cherri participated with the Lions Club Beirut Mid-West and the twinning Lions Club of Ashhaffunburg Germany, in distributing food for Syrian refugees in south Lebanon. They had a good experience sharing Leo/Lions activities.
* May 11, 2014 Participated in Special Olympics day in Saida, distributing sun glasses and eye glasses as needed, along with cake and colored pencils for the kids. Helped with the medical examination of special needs children with Lion Dr Adib Jaber. We walked in the organized parade, honoring the event organizer and had lunch with the kids and the Red Cross, who were also present.
* May 16, 2014 Participated in Leo Beirut gate fundraising at Tridicci Gemayze, where dinner was provided.
* May 17, 2014 The club managed a two-day Festival for special needs children in collaboration with Abdul Hadi School in Rihab Beirut. We provided big air toys for kids to have fun with and also provided a magician to make a great show for the kids, with Leo Nadim Younes wearing the costume of El Musaharati, the Ramadan drummer as well. We had a big party at the end of the festival and danced and sang with the children.
* May 25, 2014 Leo/Lions Beirut Mid-West family day in west Bekaa. We went to Karaon Lake, participating in boat rides, horse riding and ATV’ing. Following these activities, we went to Machgharato visit a religious monument for the Prophet Jhonas (Younes) then went to Leo Nadim Younes home, where a lunch and barbeque was provided, along with singing and dancing. Lion Dr Nabil Jaafar played piano; the Leo Club provided a surprise birthday party for Leo Nadim Younes birthday, and presented him with gifts.
* June 8, 2014 Visited the Elderly Roumieh Center with Soeur Haddad where we arranged busses to transport the elderly from the center to Lady of Harisa, and shared Mass with the special needs elderly and prayed with them in Harisa church. Following church, we went to a restaurant in Ghosta to have lunch with the elderly and help them eat. Lion Dr Nabil Jaafar played on his keyboard, singing and dancing and having a good time.
* Leo Beirut Mid-West also visited the Maronite Patriarch Of Antioch Cardinal Mar Bechara Boutros Al Rahi for his return from the Holy land Palestine. Honoring him by providing the Club flag.
* June 17, 2014 Pinning for the new member Josiane Sfeir, distribution certificates of recognition for Leo Maha chammaa, Youssef chammaa, Rami cherri and Fayez nehmani, and the 100% leo club president award for Leo Nadim Younes, by the sponsored club Lions Beirut Midwest .
Awards 2012 - 2013
* Best Leo Club 2012 - 2013
* Best Leo Adviser 2012 - 2013
* Best Leo Committee Member Nadim Younes 2012 - 2013
* Best Humanitarian Activity 2012 - 2013
* Best Educational Activity 2012 - 2013
* Best Environmental Activity 2012 - 2013
Awards 2013 - 2014
* Best humanitarian activity - 2013 - 2014
April 18, 2014 : By Nadim Younes in the Lions club D351 Governate :
We Have Achieved The Dreams We Followed and Succeeded
We Got The Opportunity to experience the Leadership
And we Learned How to Be Leaders in Serving :
People as Human
Education as the light of life
and Nature as our friend
We will never stop dreaming...
Dare us to dream and we will keep moving for a new vision. ( Nadim Younes )
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