Leading For a Change

Leading For a Change: How to Master the 5 Challenges Faced by Every Leader is a book written by Ralph Jacobson an adjunct professor at the Executive MBA program at University of St. Thomas and principal at Synthesis Consulting Inc. It was published in 2000 with the original ISBN 075067279X. It was nominated by Management General as one of the best business books of 2000
Leading for a Change proposes five leadership challenges that must be addressed by every leader within an organization, and serve as the underlying theme of the book. The book offers the reader methods, techniques, and tools the author believes will lead to outstanding business results. It includes a framework and diagnostic survey to assess organizations leadership needs. The book's "five challenges" are designed to help develop leadership strategies for organizations..
The book's "'five leadership challenges" are:
* Reframing the future
* Developing followership
* Teaching and learning
* Building community
* Balancing paradox
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