note: The article was written by the creators of the film
La Glennview is a running movie series released by an independent movie group, Doñasom Pictures. It was released on November 21, 2008, and was originally designed as a school project. It has since became a short film with an expected sequel.
School project In October of 2008, Colleen Dunn, a Spanish teacher in the northeastern United States assigned a "telenovela" project to her Spanish 4H students. The requirements stated that the film be at least ten minutes. One group, the founders of Doñasom Pictures, made a half-hour film. The film was shot under a budget of fifty dollars and was given free to the students of the school, taking a loss paid for by the creators of the movie. The premiere of the film earned high praise and a high grade.
Process The group met once a week for six straight weeks to write, plan, and film La Glennview. Used to film was a sony HDR-HC5 camera and four outdoor spotlights. Every scene was filmed on location.