
Kynetx, Inc. was a privately held platform as a service (PaaS) company based in Lehi, Utah. It provided a development platform for context automation using Kynetx Network Services to supply tools to developers to create context-aware applications that can run on browsers, mobile phones, and desktops.
Kynetx was co-founded in 2007 by Stephen Fulling and Phillip Windley.
On Friday April 3, 2015 the Kynetx shareholders voted to cease operations and dissolve the company.
Application development
Developers write applications in the Kinetic Rule Language (KRL), a rule-based language for defining contextual interactions with web pages a user visits. Currently, such development can be done via the interface of the Kynetx AppBuilder.
Kynetx, Inc. has a strategic partnership with Acxiom to support developers building applications helping businesses make informed marketing and business decisions using Acxiom consumer data.
Other data sources include GData, Amazon's Product Advertising and OData API access.
Kynetx holds semiannual developer conferences called Past keynote speakers have been G. Craig Burton, founder of Novell and the Burton Group, Kim Cameron, Security Architect with Microsoft and Doc Searls
During these conferences, new platform features are announced and discussed. "un-conference" sessions offer developers of Kynetx Platform applications opportunities to get advice and discuss application ideas with the KNS platform's core development team.
Major Events
* 2015
** April 3, Kynetx shareholders voted to cease operations and dissolve the company.
* June 2010
** June 3, the first ever Kynetx Code Run begins
** June 4, Sam Curren demonstrates at Kynetx Code Run 1 2010 proximity context through the use of Bluetooth on Android and the Kynetx platform
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