KRL Model College Kahuta

KRL Model College Kahuta is a college situated near Kahuta, northern Punjab, Pakistan. It was started as primary school named Kahuta Model School in 1982. It was established for the children of Khan Research Laboratories (now Kahuta Research Laboratories) employees.
The first Headmistress was Mrs. Mansoor. After successful progression to High School level, Col. (Ret) Ghulam Rasool was appointed as the first principal of Kahuta Model School now KRL Model College. Mr. Rafique Ranjha succeeded Col. (Ret) Ghulam Rasool as principal of KRL Model College after progressing to Higher Secondary School Level. Mr.Mehar Ali Siddiqi, successor of Mr. Rafique Ranjha, remained principal for a long time. Mrs Nighat Firdous Khalid is the present principal. The college is in decline and have lost good old days . Now the institution is divided into three sections KRL Primary school,KRL Girls and Boys college (separated in 2011) each of the section is located in different locations inside K.R.L but has the same timing's with same Principal and Director Education .
The college provides education in science and humanities. The number of students is 2700+. They are divided into four houses: Sina, Hayyan, Razi and Khayyam. Soon KMC boys is introducing Science and Arts societies and they will be a part of students Council.
A student of KMC Boys Abdul Moiz appeared in International Physics Olmpiad. In 2015 one of its students Muhammad Usama Yasin was selected for National Chemistry Talent Contest. In 2014 Ahmed Raza was selected for National Biology Talent Contest. In 2013 Abdul Moiz was selected for National Physics Talent Contest. Students also secure positions at district level in Science Contest. Even some students secured positions at National level in Maths Kangroo Contest.
Achievements of students in sports and athletics are notable and students are extra ordinary in sports and athletics.
Students are encouraged to participate in extra curricular activities. To improve its extra curricular activities an Extra Curriculars Promoting Club has been established in 2015.
The college publishes Alqadeer magazine. An Asst. Professor of this college, Khalid Mahmood, pioneered Punjabi , Punjabi Wiktionary and Punjabi Wikiquote.
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