
Julius Ryan Caldwell (born October 30, 1993) known professionally as KoviNo, is an American rapper, songwriter, and audio engineer. He is an indie artist who has released his firs debut EP Afterlife in 2020 and followed it up with his first official album [https://www.google.com/search?q=kovino+finesse+season+1&sxsrf=APq-WBsWQi3WEGfyWdP6sPtMwlJv0W2_gA%3A1648001716346&eitII6Ysa7FJW5qtsPs5WpyAU&oqkovino+Finesse&gs_lcpCgdnd3Mtd2l6EAEYADIECCMQJzoHCCMQsAMQJzoHCAAQsQMQCjoECAAQCjoKCC4QxwEQrwEQCjoGCAAQFhAeOggIABANEAUQHkoECEEYAUoECEYYAFCoBVjnJWCXMmgBcAB4AIABfIgB5wuSAQQxMy4zmAEAoAEByAEBwAEB&sclientgws-wiz#wptab=s:H4sIAAAAAAAAAONgVuLVT9c3NCxIMUirLEk3fcRowS3w8sc9YSn9SWtOXmPU5OIKzsgvd80rySypFJLmYoOyBKX4uVB18uxi4sgvSy0qy0wtX8Qqnp1flpmXr5CWmZdaXJyqUJyaWJyfp2AIAHU18fRxAAAA Finesse Season 1] in 2021.
Early life
Julius Caldwell is born October 30, 1993, in San Diego, California. He started writing poetry at age 10 and gradually transitioned into hip-hop around 13 years old. He grew up listening to DMX, Ludacris and Lil Wayne. ***Redacted Copyvio*** at an independent charter school.
released a catalog of unheard music only available to a chosen audience under the name DredzyCP. In 2013 he attended San Diego City College and studied recording engineering. By 2014 he dropped out of college to help his family by getting two jobs to help support the income of the house, he then never went back and finish school.
9 singles (Squares,, SkyHigh You Can't Stay, VVS, Changes, Better Days, Darker Days, 30 in Racks, and Check)
Main Article: <u>New Artist KoviNo</u>
Google- KoviNo
* Afterlife
* '
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