KickBorn is a personal software and knowledge navigator which works as an application to create a social network with the user. The application uses a natural language user interface to answer questions, make recommendations, and perform actions. Developers claim that kickborn is capable enough to sense user emotions from the text and then talk to you accordingly based on past conversations. Android integration KickBorn was launched first as a web application but now it is mostly used as android app. Using voice recognition technology from Google and their service partners, user could ask weather, can set reminders, can ask him to remember your stuff ( like pin,passwords or keys number). Research and development Kickborn is a created by a single developer and launched in Feb. 2013. Kickborn primary technical areas focus is about to assist his master by keeping an eye on user works, stuff, things, reminders, weather and any important news which can help user to work smoothly daily. SIRI, Google Now and S Voice are working on the same field of technologies and stands together. KickBorn is new in this technology but Google Now and SIRI is the most popular softwares in this field which exists for more than a year.