CCC Club

The CCC Club also known as the Triple C Club is a club on E. 8 Mile & Brock St., in Detroit, Michigan. Known for the eventful evening of April 11 2006.

Death of Proof
The CCC Club is most notoriously known for the actions that occurred on April 11 2006, wherein Detroit rapper Proof from D12 was fatally wounded after an argument with Keith Bender. Although the alleged story being portrayed by the media has yet to be proven beyond a reasonable doubt, the club bouncer Mario Etherige was not charged with killing Proof. An eye witness who wanted to remain anonymous gave his account of what really happened that night. According to him,

"The argument started over a game of pool. After a few heated words, Proof and his entourage got up to leave. While they were headed towards the door, two young ladies had just arrived, so then proof and his crew went back in. While they were in there Keith Bender bumped Proof and started cursing at him. The 2 men started fighting, and both parties got involved. The club bouncer Mario Etherige fired 2 shots into the air to stop the fight, but instead caused panic. Proof received a weapon from one of the men in his entourage and Keith started attacking him, trying to get the loaded weapon out of the drunk rapper's hand. The bouncer came over and tried to shoot Proof but missed and instead hit Keith instead. I heard him yell out the "f" word and that's when he shot proof 4 times. He left right away, and gun smoke was everywhere. After the shooting, the club owners wanted us to agree on a story that Proof's death took place at a different location. A shooting like this would put them out of business, so they didn't wanna call 911 right away. Instead they wanted us to clean up all the blood, and move proof outside. His money and jewelery was gone."
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