Keyun Ruan

Keyun Ruan is a computer scientist best known for her pioneering work on cloud forensics. She was among the world's first researchers identifying digital forensic challenges with the rise of cloud computing. She worked with scientists at National Institute of Standards and Technology and was the main force behind the initiation of Cloud Computing Forensic Science Working Group under NIST Cloud Computing Program, with the objectives to advance incident management standards and capabilities of cloud infrastructure. She was the editor of the world's first reference book on cloud forensics. The book has 21 contributing authors from 14 countries, including inventor of computer virus, Fred Cohen. The book is foreworded by Gene Spafford.
In 2016, she published an article in Computer & Security on the kilogram of cyber risk, proposing basic measurement units for cyber risk: hekla (named after an Icelandic volcano) and bitmort. It was the first academic article to formally propose cyber risk measurement units. The units are inspired by micromort in medicine and value at risk in finance. Her new book titled Digital Asset Valuation and Cyber Risk Measurement: Principles of Cybernomics is due to be in print early 2019 by Elsevier.
Ruan has been appointed senior research scientist at Espion in Dublin and founded Xensix, a cloud computing forensics agency.
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