Jorge Rios

Jorge Paes Rios was born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on April, 1945. He is an hydraulics and sanitary engineer and professor.

He is a Brazilian researcher and Professor at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. He is also a scientific leader. He lives in Rio de Janeiro.

From 1999 to 2002, Jorge Rios was the General Supervisor (Superintendente) of Hydraulics Resources of the State of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil.

Researching about Resources, Rios received his M.Sc. degree from University of Grenoble - France (1979).


*RIOS, Jorge Paes. The flood gates operating instructions of Tucurui Hydroelectric Power Plant . San Francisco (CA), 1986. (ICOLD = International Committee on Large Dams). - Les consignes d' opération des vannes de l'Usine Hydroelectrique de Tucurui .
*RIOS, Jorge Paes. Autodepuração dos cursos d'Agua. Lisboa : LNEC, 1974. (Saneamento).
*RIOS, Jorge Paes. Revitalização de Rios Rio de Janeiro: SEMADS- GTZ, 2002.
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