John Oppliger

John Oppliger (born August 31, 1972) is an employee of AnimeNation, an anime merchandise and production distributor. Oppliger works as an editor and consultant, whose duties include writing product descriptions for the storefront and maintaining the AnimeNation News webpage. He is best known for the web feature "Ask John" on the AnimeNation website, where Oppliger provides answers to reader submitted anime related questions. He also works as spot translator and editor for AN Entertainment, the production branch of AnimeNation.
A life-long fan of anime and other forms of Japanese entertainment, Oppliger has acquired an almost encyclopedic knowledge of the subjects. In his column, Oppliger addresses questions ranging from the simple to the complex in a thorough, objective manner. Even the most seemingly simple question can be answered with an extensively detailed response. His column has earned him a loyal base of fans worldwide, even the dedicated Japanese-translation site called "Ask John Fankurabu" in Japan. While regarded as an authority by a number of readers, Oppliger is quick to point out that his articles are only his own subjective opinions, and readers should feel free to research their own conclusions.
Aside from anime, Oppliger is also an avid and extremely knowledgeable fan of genre movies, particularly comic adaptations, horror, and Asian martial arts films. His favorite movie is the first Highlander film. His favorite bands are Asia and Queen.
Oppliger, born in Akron, Ohio holds a Masters Degree in English from the University of South Florida and for two years taught English at St. Petersburg College. Ethnically, he is of German (father side) and Malaysian Chinese (mother side) ancestry.
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