Joel T. LeFevre

Joel T. LeFevre is the former editor-in-chief the Citizens Informer, a quarterly newspaper put out by the Council of Conservative Citizens.
LeFevre at first refused to join the Council of Conservative Citizens, but when the previous editor-in-chief of the Citizens Informer, Samuel T. Francis, died, the director of the CCC, Gordon Lee Baum, assured LeFevre that the organization was not anti-Semitic. He was very much against former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke's virulent criticisms of Jews at the American Renaissance conference in 2006 even though he is reported as having a major role in organizing it. He returned to cover their 2008 conference. In 2009, LeFevre resigned as Informer editor so as to be able to devote more time to his family and website design/publishing business. William Rolen is the paper's current Editor-in-Chief.
LeFevre operates a number of websites including one featuring the writings of R. Carter Pittman, as well as a site with the works of famous Southern and federalist writers. His websites on John Maynard Keynes, Rosalie M. Gordon, and Manning Johnson feature the complete texts of the books Keynes at Harvard: Economic Deception as a Political Credo, Nine Men Against America: The Supreme Court and Its Attack on American Liberties, and Color, Communism, and Common Sense respectively. He has frequently blogged at Lawrence Auster's official website.
He has also written for American Renaissance, a yearly magazine put out by the New Century Foundation and edited by its director Jared Taylor. LeFevre has also worked in a professional capacity as Senior Network Operations and Leased Line Technicians for internet and communication companies.
He is descended from French Calvinist Huguenots.
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