Joe Polish

Joe Polish (born February 4, 1968) is an American entrepreneur, public speaker, author, podcaster, film producer and coach.
Polish is known as the founder of Piranha Marketing, Genius Network, GeniusX, the non-profit organization Genius Recovery Foundation, and the co-founder of the podcasts 10x Talk, Genius Network and I Love Marketing.
Polish’s clients include David Bach, Michael Gerber, Peter Diamandis, Bill Phillips, Charles Poliquin, David Allen, and Paula Abdul. In a video between Abdul and Polish, she credits Polish for “changing her life”.
Genius Network speakers have included Sir Richard Branson, Ariana Huffington, Tim Ferriss, John Paul Dejoria, Steve Forbes, Neil Degrass Tyson, John Mackey, Ray Kurzweil, and Tony Robbins. Branson characterizes Polish as “doggedly determined” and “bloody good at the Internet and pulling people together”.
In 2019 a documentary film about Polish’s life Connected: The Joe Polish Story premiered at the TCL Theater in Hollywood, California. Polish’s father struggled with the loss and moved frequently most of Joe’s early life. and quickly graduated from cannabis to psychedelics, amphetamines, and other substances. Polish graduated from Dobson High School in Mesa, Arizona in 1986. By 1988, Polish reported he was freebasing cocaine every day and weighed 105 pounds Soon afterward, Polish found himself in debt and struggling to keep the business afloat. Polish was featured on 20/20, the American television newsmagazine program because of his authority in the carpet cleaning industry.
Following on from the success of Piranha Marketing, Polish founded the Genius Network Interview Series interviewing entrepreneurs and in 2004 he founded Genius Network and GeniusX. According to Entrepreneur Magazine, the average income of a Genius Network member is $9 million per year.

Polish’s story is featured in The Automatic Customer by author John Warrillow and in Willpower Doesn’t Work by author Benjamin Hardy, PhD.
In 2016, Polish produced a film called Black Star for one of his projects called Artist For Addicts with filmmaker Akira Chan. Black Star was awarded the Audience Award for Best Short Film at the Illuminate Film Festival in 2018.
In 2017, Polish produced a film about Dan Sullivan with 11-time Emmy Award film director, Nick Nanton, called Game Changer: The Dan Sullivan Story.
In 2018, Nick Nanton directed a documentary about Polish called, Connected: The Joe Polish Story. It features a series of testimonials, including from Tony Robbins.
* The Miracle Morning for Addiction Recovery: Letting Go of Who You've Been for Who You Can Become (with Hal Elrod and Anna David). Hal Elrod International, Inc. (2019) .
* The Average Joe’s Marketing Book (2017) Genius Network Publishing ASINB01MQY2ZXK.
Virgin Unite
Polish helped raise over $3 million for Virgin Unite, Sir Richard Branson’s foundation and was the inaugural winner of Sir Richard's One in a Million Award which Polish received at the 2009 Rock the Kasbash Gala. Polish has been a guest on Branson’s private island, Necker Island several times.
In 2010, Virgin Unite recognised Polish as their first “Entrepreneur of the Quarter”.
Artists for Addicts
Polish founded Artists for Addicts, a nonprofit that raises money to fight addiction by selling artworks.<ref name":2" /> Following on from his own addictions, Polish wants to treat those with addictions with “compassion instead of judgment”, as reported by US News.<ref name":3" />
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