Jenna von westem


Jenna V. Westem is the fictional daughter of Avon Nova Westem from World Of Ciege and The Avon novels. Jenna goes by the alias, Mistress JAGE to hide her identity from authorities. She wears a mask that consists of goggles, a crown and an orange bandanna to conceal her face. She is a skilled fighter and can do impressive tricks such as cartwheels and back-flips and make long leaps normal people couldn't make. In addition to wearing the headgear she's also armed from head to toe with armor over her vitals and limbs. She wears a dark gray body suit under the armor and has a red cape that reaches down to the back of her knees. She's exactly 5'7 and 105 pounds, like her mother Elsa Brown. She has sage eyes and pale white skin, she also wears lipstick but people never see these facial features because of her mask. She is fifteen years old, and she is also Ciege's rival and secretly his older sister.
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