Jeffrey Ingram

Jeffrey Ingram, a 40-year-old resident of Olympia, Washington was admitted into a Denver hospital after being found on the 16th Street Mall suffering from amnesia. He was diagnosed with dissociative fugue. He had no memory of events prior to September 2006 and was given the name "Al". He was recorded to be a 5 feet 7 inches tall male, approximately 170 pounds, who was possibly 35- to 40-years old.
Medical treatment
Under hypnosis, Ingram recalled losing a wife and two children in April.
National attention
On Sunday, October 22, Ingram appeared on various news channels and talk shows in the hope that he would be identified.
"I feel totally lost; I feel totally alone. I want my past. I want who I was, or who I am."
-Jeffrey "Al" Ingram
On December 14, 2012 a StoryCorps piece about Ingram was broadcast on NPR
Discovery of identity
Ingram's parents recognized him on a morning talk show and called his fiancee, who then contacted Denver police and identified "Al" as 40 year old Jeffrey Ingram. According to Ingram's fiancee, he had left for Slave Lake, Alberta, Canada in September 2006 to visit relatives, and never returned.
Subsequent events
After leaving the hospital, Ingram went to live with his former fiancee. According to a 2007 NBC story, she "became his guide" and "fell in love with him a second time". In December 2006 they were married. It is reported that Ingram's tastes in food and music have significantly changed.
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