Jason Wingrove

Jason Wingrove Famous for taking the video of the sneezing panda in 2006, Jason has since gone on to produce numa numa with Gary Brolsma and star wars kid.


Born on the 5th of april 1990 in Bristol, England. Jason began his online impact in 2002 after releasing the star wars kid video over Kazza and discovering a year later the immense fame created, he then decided to find a new video to produce an new internet star and discovered Gary Brolsma currently on holiday in London at the same time as jason where Jason persuaded him to mime along to Dragostea din tei when he got back home, promtion of this video on YouTube and newgrounds led to instant stardom for Gary but disappointment for Jason who was yet to reap any rewards from his efforts, however in 2006 Jason traveled to China with Friend Dan Fosh popular on YouTube for his videos featuring immature stunts, Jason caught international attention with his Sneezing panda video and posting it online under the guise JimW.
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