James Lyne

James Lyne (born in England, UK) is a cyber security specialist.
James Lyne is the Director of Technology Strategy for Sophos. He has worked with Sophos in UK since 2008.
Lyne started in Sophos as an help desk, becoming few years later the external evangelism and the company spokesperson.
Since the 2010, Lyne has delivered striking presentations on malware and cyber crime related topics in various events, and he has assisted law enforcement in the United Kingdom and Europe on cyber crime cases and advises governments on cyber crime.
Lyne has keynoted or spoken at various (technical and general-interest) conferences around the world, including: Black Hat, DEF CON, DLD, e-Crime Wales, EuroSec, RSA, TED and Cyber Security Challenge UK.
In 2012, TechWeek Europe has labelled Lyne as the Security Next Superstar.
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