Jaat - The Story of Revenge is an upcoming 2014 Bollywood action comedy-drama film directed by Varun Khanna and produced by Vijay Basu under the banner of Rahul Productions. The film has an ensemble cast which includes, Akkilesh Verma, Oviya, Saaraa Chetti, Emran khan, Deepraj Rana and Mukesh Tiwari, Ehsan Khan ,Abdul Mohamed. The film will be distributed worldwide by Viacom 18 Motion Pictures.The film is scheduled to be released on August, in two different languages Hindi and Tamil.The Casting technique was very unique because a south indian actress called Oviya was made as lead heroine for the film. Plot It is a kind of Realistic story which happened in Delhi long before between the gangsters in there. Cast * Akkilesh Verma * Oviya * Saaraa Chetti * Emran khan * Deepraj Rana * Mukesh Tiwari * Ehsan Khan * Rajkumar Kanojia * Ayushi Rao * Abdul Mohamed Production Development Casting Oviya from south Indian film industry Kollywood was made to do a debut in bollywood as lead actress. Description