Israel F-16 Crash

:See February 2018 Israel-Syria incident
Israel F-16 fighter jet was crashed in north of Israel,the occupied Golan Heights province, after crossed Syria border and attacked Iranian target in Syria. This incident could be mark as the first successful attack to IDF fighter jet since 1982. An initial investigation showed that the fighter jet crash was caused by the explosion of an anti-aircraft missile, which known in Israel as a Sufa, toward the plane. One of them was seriously wounded and the other one lightly. First one happened in 2006 when an Israeli helicopter was shot down over Lebanon war by a Hezbollah rocket. The drone had intercepted, and the F-16 had been dispatched to hit the site where the drone had been launched from.<ref name='A4'/> drone or UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) was shoted down by an Apache helicopter in city of Beit Shean.<ref name'A3'/><ref name'A8'/> In a further response, the IDF decided to target The UAV control center deep inside Syrian territory.<ref name'A3'/><ref name'A8'/> After the plane was coming back from the mission, Syrian anti-aircraft fire caused the F-16 downed.<ref name'A3'/><ref name'A4'/> It's two crew members ejected and were later taken to the hospital.<ref name'A3'/><ref name'A8'/><ref name='A7'/>
Israel official has said its planes carried out attacks inside Syria for the first time.<ref name'A2'/> In the past, the Israelis carried out invasions inside Syria but they never mention anything about the attacks.<ref name'A2'/>
According to IDF spokesperson Lt. Col. Jonathan Conricus, the F-16 was hit during the mission.<ref name'A3'/><ref name'A8'/> The plane crashed into a field in the Jezreel Valley in northern Israel finally.<ref name'A3'/> One of the pilots was severely injured, while the second was lightly wounded.<ref name'A3'/><ref name'A7'/> The seriously injured pilot’s condition improved throughout the day, but he remained unconscious.<ref name'A3'/><ref name='A7'/>
Dr. Rafi Beyar, the head of Haifa’s Rambam Medical Center, said the pilot conditions were stable.<ref name'A3'/><ref name'A7'/> He was suffering injuries to his chest and abdomen.<ref name'A3'/><ref name'A7'/> Beyar said the pilot is unconscious and connected to a respirator, also required blood transfusions.<ref name'A3'/><ref name'A7'/> Beyar said the pilot who was lightly injured while abandoning the aircraft, was set to be released from the hospital.<ref name'A3'/><ref name'A7'/>
President Reuven Rivlin later spoke with the second pilot, according to his spokesperson.<ref name'A3'/><ref name'A7'/>
Tom Bateman, the BBC's Middle East correspondent says, Israeli invasion in Syria and neighboring countries are not unusual things, but the loss of an Israeli fighter jet marks a serious escalation.<ref name='A8'/>
Interfax news agency reported, Putin (in the phone call) told Netanyahu that Israel must avoid any steps that would lead to a new confrontation in the region.<ref name='A6'/>
Jonathan Conricus, Israeli military spokesman said, Iran was responsible for this incident and IDF was prepared for further action.<ref name='A1'/>
Syrian military official said on Syrian state TV, Syrian air defenses hit more than one Israeli plane and called it "new Israeli aggression."<ref name'A1'/> Later, Syria state TV said Syrian air defenses responded to new Israeli raids near the Damascus.<ref name'A1'/>
A Pentagon spokesman said the USA fully supported Israel’s right to defend itself.<ref name='A6'/>
A U.N. spokesman said U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres is closely watching all military escalation throughout Syria and invites on all sides to exercise restraint.<ref name='A6'/>
Brig. Gen. Tomer Bar, the Israeli Air Force’s second-in-command, said the Israeli planes shall face a various of Syrian anti-aircraft weapons. These anti-aircraft weapons contained at least four different types of Russian-made air defense systems, specifically the SA-5, SA-17, SA-6, and SA-3.<ref name='A3'/>
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