Inni Vendham

Inni Vendham is a Tamil language song from Malaysia. This song became a hit among Tamils in Malaysia. Inni Vendham was sung by débutée Thyivya, featured Shane X'treme, Mista Carey and D7 of S.L.Y Squad and produced by Stompboxx Music.
"Inni Vendham" song teaser gained more than 14,000 viewers on YouTube and meanwhile the official video song gained 1.5 million viewers.
The song was recorded at SCII studio
* Produced by: Stompboxx Music
* Composed by: Shane Xtreme
* Melody Composed by: Shane X’treme & D7
* Performed by: Thyivya / Shane X’treme / Mista Carey / D7
* Written by Mista Carey & D7
* Track mixed and mastered by: Boy Radge (Abraham Records)
* Recorded at SCII Studio
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