Ilario Vannucchi

Ilario Vannucchi is a didgeridoo player from Italy. He started learning the instrument in the 1999.
His style is based on the aboriginal players like Mark Atkins, Alan Dargin.
He has performed in Italy (Premio Chatwin - La Spezia, Didjin'Oz didjeridoo festival - Cesenatico, Griots 'musiche dal mondo' - Firenze , Didjin'Oz didjeridoo festival - Forlimpopoli, Didjefestival - Pinerolo) and in Europe (Le Rêve De l'Aborigène - Airvault 2004).
He created the web-site in 2000.
He created the web-site in 2007.
Partial discography
*Didgeridoo Sounds (2004)
*Didjabout (2005)
*MMP @ P.A.C. (with Macadamia Music Project, 2005)
*Sleeping Stones (2007)
*Tubonudo (2008)
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