ih8sn0w are a team of iPhone hackers who develop sn0wbreeze.It is an iPhone jailbreaking application for Windows that creates custom iOS firmware images to user-defined specifications. These firmware images contain the Apt interface Cydia and Rock.sn0wbreeze was initially released April 3, 2008. A group of iOS hackers that jailbreak and create tools for everyday use. Creator of f0recast Creator of iDetector Creator of iREB Creator of sn0wbl0wer Creator of sn0wbreeze Discovered the AT+XEMN crash in September 2009, which was exploited in blacksn0w. Members: iH8sn0w, w3st05, srts, Little_Martian and LiLBush81. Former Members: spendl16 Reason for Termination (spendl16) Piracy Involvement/Not doing any work.