IBK salvation

Commander IBK salvation was a SPARTAN-III commando of the KOF-SLG clan alliance, he is attached to the KOF army. salvation was the leader of the "bullfrogs" squad, an elite team of Spartans who fought during the clan wars. His call sign in the team was KOF2.
early military career
IBK salvation started his life as SPARTAN-III,an was enlisted as a private in the SLG army,he was placed in squad 2 an participate in many countless assignments with his first squad and earn his teammates respect,he fought in the GOG-SLG clan war which had ending up as an alliance of the GOG-SLG clan alliance an was re-assigned to the GOG ary at the rank of corporal.been transferred to a new squad open many doors to his life he gained the respect of others and became a sergeant which lead him to gaining leadership to his first squad the "bullfrogs".
Later military career
As time past,he gained the rank of master sergeant an fought during the GOG civil war whih caused
the GOG been spliat apart into two different clans.then KOF was founded an having IBK salvation as a notable member an the leadr of "bullfrogs" he was the backbone of the military at the time and then was placed in the GOG-KOF war which lasted for a while an KOF won an peace was maintain for a certain time.IBK salvation gained the rank of commander and a special seat on the council as the bravo party an is a 3 year war veteran.
at the time the SLG were at the same level as the GOG there battles keep going back and forth,many other squads had a rough time advancing their forces.until IBK salvation's squad was set down in the field his squad manage to hold them back giving enough time for the SLG forces to come up with a counter attack which will weakend the GOG clan.AFTER a few battles the GOG clan suddenly surrender and ask for a clan alliance.AS the alliance started GOG change their ranks and their emblems,IBK salvation an other SLG soldiers were transferred to the GOG,as he an the others help build up GOG he showed tremendous leadership skills which lead him to the rank of sergeant an the spot of leader for the "bullfrogs".he continue training and had notice on how much he improved since his first day,he decide to take a little time off and remain under the radar for a bit.
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