HP vlan simple administration

HP VLAN Simple Administration is a free software (under GPL licence) that permits VLAN management of HP Switchs
download here
Install Apache and php.
Install snmp support on PHP (php5-snmp under linux). Under Windows, php version must be at least 5.3.3. With easy php, replace php folder with the one from php.net witch includes php_snmp extension.
Extention needs to be activated in php.ini (extensionphp_snmp.dll under windows, extension php_snmp.so under linux)
Extract zip or tar.gz file in you root web server directory
Files that needs to be modified :
* /params/conf.php
* /params/ad.conf.php (optional)
* /params/switchs.xml
Important : the folder views/smarty/templates_c must be writable (chmod 777 under linux)
If you have troubles set DISPLAY_PHP_WARNINGS to 1 in conf.php
Web Interface VLAN administration of L3 managed ethernet switches. Allows users to manage several switches in the same web page. The aim is to permit users to easily tag/untag a port in a specified VLAN, create delete and rename VLANs.
* Supported Languages(s) : English, French
* Licence :
* Operating systems : plateform independant
* Create/Rename/Delete VLANs
* Tag/Untag ports in VLANS
* enable/disable features : easily disable a feature like "Show tagged ports" for instance if it's not needed
* Web based : can be accessed from almost anywhere
* Manage quickly and easily several switches
* no need to type a password for each switch you want to access : only one transparent authentication (with apache/kerberos) or even simple unique local authentication.
* View ports state (link up / down) with colors (red/green port representation)
Why this software ?
There is no similar software except those witch are provided by HP but they're not free and heavy. Integrated device Web interface is free but can only manage one switch at once, number of displayable vlans is limited.
Pros / Cons
* easy to use
* manage several switches
* OS independant
* No vlan number limitation
* Small display bug under IE 8
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