Hdh. Atholhu Madhrasa

The school was built under the project “for building school” with the financial aid from the Japanese Government. The school started its service from 6 march 1984.  Until 1999 the school is teaching only for primary grades (1-7). In the year 1999 school started teaching for secondary level students with the introduction of commerce stream. In 2005 we started teaching science stream. With the change in Educational policies today we are proud as we started teaching the preschoolers at our foundation level. Our office will be open from Morning 6:30 to Evening 18:30 and we are teaching for 2 sessions. Our Enrollment for 2016 is 235.
To create an exemplary school, which is acknowledged for the caliber of its students the quality of its faculty, staff, and administration, and the diversity of its programmers.
To provide the optimal education opportunities for every student providing students a positive learning environment, this promotes responsibility, fulfillment of potential, and desire lifelong learning.
School badge and logo
School Name: H Dh. Atoll School
GS Code: GS_20
Phone: +9606520056 
Fax: +9606520530
Website: hdhatollschool.edu.mv
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