Hillhead Primary

Hillhead Primary School is a primary school in Wick, Highland, run by the Highland Council. Hillhead's head teacher is Mr Ally Budge. As of January, 2008, it had an enrolment of 205 pupils.

Enviromental education
Hillhead has been awarded an Eco-Schools First Green Flag award for Enviromental friendliness.

Hillhead currently has a vegetable patch at the rear of the school, and it is currently being used to grow vegetables such as potatoes, swedes, Brussels sprouts and beetroot.

Hillhead encourages people to take fruit for their morning tuck, and a large number of pupils do this, and only a tiny minority of pupils litter. Hillhead has a compost bin, and the compost is used to fertilise the vegetable garden. They have recently planted willow trees along the wall. They have a small garden which pupils call "The Square".

Inspection report
In April, 2008, Hillhead Primary was highly praised in a report from Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Education. The Inspectorate reported that the quality of teaching and the imaginative learning experiences are key strengths at the school and it provides a caring, supportive and stimulating environment for learning. Head teacher Ally Budge was also highly praised as provided very effective leadership to the school, having the respect and loyalty of parents, pupils and staff, and having developed effective links with the community. The school received a rare "excellent" rating for its partnerships with the local community and parents. The inspector also reported that pupils are well-behaved and developing positive attitudes to learning and to each other. Other key strengths reported were approaches to promoting a healthy lifestyle, quality of teaching and the imaginative learning experiences, and attainment in mathematics.
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