Christ Church C.E Primary School

Christ Church CofE Primary School is located in Moreton, Wirral, England. It was founded 1860.
The school is a great place for learning Age 4-11 Gender entry Mixed.
Christ Church school is now 150 years old but has only been standing were it is since the 1970's.
The school occupies two 1920's single storey buildings.
The former HORSA kitchen block has been replaced by a kitching/dining extension in 2006.
In January 2007 there were 387 pupils on roll, in 14 classes ranging from 26 to 30 pupils. None of these
were mixed age classes.
The school has 14 classrooms, a Hall, a dining hall, and a small ICT suite and library.
Two further classrooms are used as shared resource areas.
Upton Road, Moreton, Wirral, CH46 0PB
Tel: 0151 6775152
TYPE: Voluntary aided school AGES: 4-11
5.3% authorised (5.7% locally, 5.3% nationally)
Negligible unauthorised (0.3% locally, 0.5% nationally)

LOCAL AUTHORITY: Wirral listings
OFSTED REPORT: Go to the most recent inspection findings
The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites
KEY: This institution LA average National average
Darker part of bar shows performance relative to the rest
What do these figures mean?





54 eligible, 16.7% of whom had special educational needs





ENGLISH - Absent or unable to access test: 0%




MATHS - Absent or unable to access test: 0%




SCIENCE - Absent or unable to access test: 0%




















KEY: This institution LA average National average
School starts at 8.55am and the end of the school day is at 3.30pm. (For security reasons, the main school gate is locked between 9am and 3.15pm. Between these times access to the school site is up the side drive where an intercome system is in use on the side gate.)

The school has a a new dining room and kitchen on site, which means that the school hall can be used for lunchtime activities.

We have a computer suite that is used by all classes in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 at least once a week.

All classes have interactive white boards and projectors. Many year groups share open suites.

At the side of the school is our adventure playground. It is securely fenced, has a rubber surface around the apparatus and children use it under supervision.

The School's History

The 'Moreton Church of England School' originally opened in February1861, two years before Christchurch Church.

However, the school was then in a much smaller building in the middle of Moreton Village. (see photo) Four pupils arrived of registration on the first day. But by March, 63 children were on roll. This is at a time when the population of Moreton was 361. Miss Ruth Dixon was the school's first head teacher. She was 25 when she took up her post and stayed for 27 years!

By 1864 148 children were crowded into two rooms and a further room was added. 1866 saw the opening of the Hoylake to Birkenhead Railway.

In 1883 Mrs Sparks (aka Miss Dixon) resigned as head, and Mrs Hughes took over.

In 1905 a further extension was built to accommodate 45 infants.

During World War 1, troops were billeted at the school in Bidston and so children from there were accepted into the Moreton School.

In 1917 Mrs Hughes, died. She had been head for 33 years! A Miss Hampson took her place just as a large building programme took place in the Moreton area.

In 1928 the Cheshire Education Authority built our present school in Upton Road as a secondary school and around that time Miss Hampson leaves and Miss Bellis becomes head.

In 1939 World War 2 started and air raid shelters were put up near the school. The log book from the time details the attendance figures after air raids and the freezing winter temperatures, rather like the ones we have endured recently..

In 1950 Miss Bellis retired as headteacher after 26 years and Mr Appleyard took over as the school's first male head. Mr Appleyard was head when the school celebrated its centenary in 1961. He compiled a booklet of the school's history and this has been used in the compiling of this account. He retired in 1981 after 30 years service. Miss Vaughn was appointed as head and she led the school until around 1986 when she retired. Mr Brooksbank became acting head until Mr Clark was appointed as the next head teacher. He stayed for two years before moving into full time Christian work. Mr Brooksbank again became acting head until 1990 when Mr Earnshaw became head.

By the early 1970's The Morton Girls Secondary School had vacated its site in Upton Road. As the population of Moreton had greatly increased by then, more space was needed and so the Church School in the village moved into the vacant building in Upton Road. Christ Church Primary School set up in its present location. It was officially opened in 1974. As you can see on the plaque in the school's entrance. (Photo below)

A new extension was opened by the Bishop of Chester on 23rd June 1995, whilst Mr Earnshaw was the head teacher. Currently this is used to house our Year 3 Classes.

Mr Earnshaw left the school in 1999 and Mr Jones became the acting head teacher for most of the millennium year. In March of that year 100 children from the school set off at 6am for a day trip to the Millennium Dome. The party arrived back in Moreton at midnight.

Mrs Vickers was appointed in 2000.

The old horsa hut canteen was demolished and a new state of the art building, housing a kitchen and dining room were officially opened on 14th February, 2007 whilst Mrs Vickers was the head teacher.. At about this time the adventure playground was constructed at the side of the school.

Mrs Vickers took up a post at another school in 2007. Mr Jones became acting head until Mr Thomson was appointed head teacher in 2008. Mr Thomson is the school's 10th headteacher.

February 2011 marked the 150th anniversary of the opening of the school. A special service was held at Christchurch. It was attended by the Bishop of Birkenhead, the Director of Education, the Diocesan Director of Education, governores, local councillors and two past heads, Mr Appleyard and Mr Easnshaw. During the service the Bishop presented a Bible to the school.
Like all schools, Christ Church School is overseen by its governing body. The governors are responsible for working with the Head Teacher to set the overall strategic plans for the school; for setting the school’s budget; for setting targets for the school; and for monitoring the school’s performance.

In addition, as a Voluntary Aided School, our governing body is responsible for setting the school’s admissions policy, and for maintaining the church ethos of the school.

The governing body is made up of representatives of both the church, the school community, and the wider community.

· 4 members are appointed by the Parochial Church Council of Christ Church Moreton.
o Mrs E.Hughes

o Mrs J.Stopforth

o Mr R.Jeffrey

o One vacancy

· 4 members are appointed by the Board of Education of Chester Diocese.

o Mr S.Ikin

o Mr K.Culligan

o Mr P.Martindale

o Mr R.Campbell-Withe

· 3 members are elected by parents of children at the school.

o Mr M.Elson

o Mr P.McNay

o Mr S.Singleton

· 2 members are elected by the school staff (one teacher and one non-teaching member of staff).

o Mr A.McMillan

o Mrs H.Hanton

· 1 member is appointed by the Local Education Authority.

o Mr I.Lewis

· In addition, the Head Teacher and the Rector of Christ Church are automatically governors.

The Chair and Vice Chair of Governors are elected annually by the governors. Currently the chair is Revd Graham Cousins, and the Vice Chair is Mr Ray Jeffrey

The full governing body meets 4 times a year, but most of their work is carried out through sub-committees. We have 5 main sub-committees:
I. Buildings and Health & Safety

II. Community

III. Curriculum

IV. Finance

V. Staffing

Most of the governors regularly visit the school, and can be contacted via the School Office.
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