HD 23356

HD 23356 is a K2 V class star located in the night sky at right ascension 3.73198654 and declination −19.11127994° in the constellation of Eridanus. It has a total proper motion of 0.340 ″/year so is classed as a high proper-motion star.
At a distance of 45.83 light years (13.74 pc) and with an absolute magnitude of 6.36, this star has an apparent magnitude of 7.1 when viewed from Earth.
The star itself has a radial velocity of 25.3 km/s, a surface temperature of 4800 K and a mass of 0.74 times that of the sun (about 1.30163e+30 kg). It also has a color index of 0.927 and luminosity of 8.67263e+25.
The star has no known planets, and its nearest stellar neighbours are the K-class star Hip 16134, and the red dwarfs NN3263 and GJ 1062.
The star is also known as HIP-17420, BD -19 733, N1 354, LTT1759 and NS 0343-1906.
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