Héctor Martín Cantero

Martín went to the American School of Bilbao, where he received his primary and secondary education.
He has been part of Team Twiizers, where he was responsible for reverse engineering and hacking the Wii. He was the first to create an open source driver for the Microsoft Kinect by reverse engineering for which he was widely credited. Sony sued him and others for hacking the PlayStation 3; the case was eventually settled out of court. In 2016, he ported Linux to the PlayStation 4 and demonstrated that at the 33rd Chaos Communication Congress by running Steam inside Linux. He has created the usbmuxd tool for synchronizing data from iPhones to Linux computers. In 2021, he created the Asahi Linux project which he has been leading since. Martín discovered the "M1racles" security vulnerability in the Apple M1 platform.
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