Lorenzo Fulco

Lorenzo Fulco (born on 13 Febbrary 2006) is an italian player of Pokémon Trading Card Game

Lorenzo Fulco grew up in Turin in Italy and in 2013 to Lorenzo liking to Pokemon. He attended primary school in Turin and is now attending middle school
Pokemon career
In 2013 Lorenzo participated in his first tournament in Italy
on 12 June 2016 Lorenzo won the National in Italy finishing 1st place
on 19 August 2016 at World Championship 2016 finishing in Top 32
on 5 November 2016 at Regional Liverpool Lorenzo won the tournament finishing 1st place
on 4 March 2017 at regional Sheffield Lorenzo won the tournament finishing 1st place
on 21 April 2017 at International Sao Paolo Lorenzo finishing in Top 8
on 6 May 2017 at SPE Treviso Lorenzo finishing 2nd place
on 19 August 2017 Lorenzo has received the invitation for the World Championship 2017 in Anaheim. Lorenzo went to the World Championship for the Day 2 and took part 50th place
on 30 September 2017 at SPE Bilbao Lorenzo won the tournament finishing 1st place
on 15 Dicember 2018 at Regional Harrogate Lorenzo finishing 11th place
on 23 Febbrary at SPE Cannes Lorenzo won the tournament finishing 1st place
on 17 August 2019 Lorenzo has received the invitation for the World Championship 2019 in Washington. Lorenzo went to the World Championship 2019 for the Day 2 and took part 40th place
on 28 September 2019 at Regional Koln Lorenzo finishing 14th place
on 2 November 2019 at SPE Paris Lorenzo finishing 12th place
Lorenzo Fulco, with this results, is one of the best players in Europe and the 1st in Italy. Now he is popular in the Pokémon Trading Card Game
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